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英语时事  2022-02-05 22:280










A new juncture for China's development





7月1日上午,庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会在北京天安门广场隆重举行。这是共青团员和少先队员代表集体致献词。新华社记者 翟健岚 摄












The year 2021 marked a milestone in the history of both the Party and the Chinese nation. In 2021, the CPC celebrated its centenary and announced the completion of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects– known in China as the First Centenary Goal.


Looking back over the past 100 years shows how the Party has been able to overcome all the trials and tribulations it has encountered. To better guide the Party to continue to lead the country forward, a historical resolution was adopted at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, which ended on Nov 11. The resolution summarizes the major achievements and historical experience of the CPC over the past 100 years. The Party is now leading the nation toward building a great modern socialist country – the Second Centenary Goal – by the middle of this century.


As for the next step, the two sessions held in March adopted the Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035. China is expected to jump-start its journey to becoming a strong power with high-quality growth and modernization. And by 2035, China will ensure common prosperity. Everyone will enjoy equal basic public services. China will make technological breakthroughs in key areas and become a global leader in innovation.



China’s diplomacy stays firm




3月18日,中共中央政治局委员、中央外事工作委员会办公室主任杨洁篪、国务委员兼外长王毅在安克雷奇同美国国务卿布林肯、总统国家安全事务助理沙利文举行中美高层战略对话。杨洁篪、王毅在中美高层战略对话开场白中阐明中方有关立场。新华社记者 刘杰 摄 图源:新华网






这是孟晚舟向欢迎人群挥手致意。新华社记者 金立旺 摄




The year 2021 saw all-round efforts in the pursuit of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. Facing external interference  and provocations, China has resolutely defended its national sovereignty, security and dignity. The one-China principle is a “red line” that must not be crossed.


On Nov 21, China announced a downgrading of its diplomatic   relations with Lithuania from ambassadorial-level   to the level of charge d’affaires . The move came after Lithuania decided to allow Taiwan authorities to open a “representative office” under the name of “Taiwan” in Lithuania. 


As President Xi Jinping stressed at a meeting marking the 110th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911 on Oct 9, “The Taiwan question is purely an internal matter for China, one which brooks no external interference.”


On Dec 10, Nicaragua and China resumed diplomatic relations after the Central American nation broke its ties with Taiwan.


Meanwhile, the people-centered principle is the defining feature of China’s diplomacy. In 2021, after being held for over 1,000 days in Canada, Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou made her emotional return to the motherland after the Chinese government’s unremitting efforts.



Space exploration sees moving forward




这是11月8日在北京航天飞行控制中心拍摄的神舟十三号航天员王亚平(右)结束出舱任务。新华社发(郭中正 摄)









The year 2021 has seen China embark on multiple space missions as the country continues its efforts in the field of space exploration. On April 29, China launched the core module Tianhe, formally beginning the construction of Tiangong – one of the world’s largest space stations. It marks China’s entry into a “space station era”. To help build the space station, two manned flights – Shenzhou XII and Shenzhou XIII missions – were launched in June and October respectively. 


But that’s not all. China is pushing forward its deep-space exploration. On May 15, Tianwen 1, China’s first Mars probe, successfully touched down on Mars. The Mars rover Zhurong has been exploring the red planet’s surface since May 22. China has also begun to set its exploratory sights on the sun by launching its first solar observation satellite Xihe on Oct 14.



“Double reduction” gets underway








The year 2021 witnessed the carrying out of the double reduction policy, as China continues to make key moves to improve education for students’ well-rounded development. On July 24, Chinese authorities introduced a guideline to ease the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for primary and junior high school students. It lists requirements in areas such as reducing the amount and difficulty of homework and improving the quality of education and after-class services provided by schools. For example, homework for junior high school students should take no longer than 90 minutes to complete. The double reduction policy allows students more free time to pursue their hobbies and interests. Also, off-campus tutoring has been further regulated to reduce the burden on students. The government also encouraged museums to give free entry to students or hold more fun activities to help enrich the lives of students.


In December, the Ministry of Education reported on the progress made through the policy so far. Almost all schools have issued homework management rules, and now more than 90 percent of students can finish their written homework within the prescribed  time.


Students have also shown improvements in physical fitness as efforts have been made to ensure enough time for physical activity, said the Ministry of Education on Dec 22. The ministry noted that 33 percent of Chinese primary and middle school students were evaluated as having a “good” level of physical fitness currently, compared to 26.5 percent in 2016.                                 



Cleaning up the entertainment industry








China has made progress in creating a more wholesome fan culture in 2021. On May 8, a nationwide campaign to improve the online environment was launched to combat the negative effects that obsessions with entertainment stars have on society and individuals. Many youngsters were involved in irrational worshipping, online arguments or the spreading of harmful content online.


To create a “cleaner” online environment, Chinese authorities issued a set of rules requiring platforms including Douban and Sina Weibo to remove harmful information and chat groups. Further, online shows are not allowed to ask viewers to buy votes for entertainers.


Meanwhile, China showed less tolerance to celebrities who break laws or go against public order and morals. In 2021, many celebrities shocked fans with their dishonesty and dubious behavior. Such celebrities faced harsh punishments and will no longer be allowed to appear in entertainment programs.



Global efforts against the virus









11月15日,辽宁大连,核酸检测实验室工作人员在认真核对样本。(新华社记者姚剑锋 摄)






The world kept battling the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the year 2021. With new challenges posed by new virus variants, especially Delta and Omicron, COVID-19 continued to spread around the world. By Dec 28, more than 280 million confirmed cases had been reported, with more than five million deaths across the world, said the WHO. In many countries such as the US and the UK, the pandemic was “spiraling out of control”, noted CNN.


In China, however, although there were several COVID-19 resurgences in some provinces in 2021, the pandemic barely affected normal social life. This might set a good example for the rest of the world on how to contain the virus. China’s “dynamic zero-case” policy has been an effective measure against the pandemic. Once there are confirmed cases, relevant agencies work around the clock to find those who were in close contact, isolate potentially infected individuals before the virus spreads or before the infected person can transmit the virus. Meanwhile, the country has used vaccinations as an important tool to help build protection. In China, by Dec 25, more than 1.2 billion people had been fully vaccinated, reported Xinhua.


As a country with a population of more than 1.4 billion, China’s practices in effectively containing the virus are “the largest contribution to the international anti-pandemic fight”, said Ma Xiaowei, head of China’s National Health Commission.


Although the world is also racing against time to speed up the vaccine rollout, there is still a glaring inequity in access to vaccines. To deal with this situation, many countries have donated vaccines to the UN-backed vaccine sharing program – COVAX. China has been the largest vaccine exporter in the world.



More trials test the Olympic Games










中国自由式滑雪名将谷爱凌在自由式滑雪大跳台世界杯美国斯廷博特站女子组比赛中夺冠。12月4日,谷爱凌(中)在颁奖仪式上庆祝。新华社发(李扬 摄)




For a depressed world amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Olympic Games give us hope by bringing the spirit of sportsmanship and highlighting global unity and cooperation. The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, running from July 23 to Aug 8, will be remembered as one of the most challenging in the event’s history. As the first Olympic Games held in a pandemic, Tokyo 2020 carried out strict epidemic control measures. 


Eyes are now turning to another major international event – the Beijing Winter Olympics. Beijing has promised to hold a safe Winter Games. Almost every person involved in the Games will be part of a “closed-loop system”. They will not be able to make contact with people outside of the loop.


“It is believed that the Beijing Winter Olympics will surely become a stage to demonstrate the Olympic Motto of ‘Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together’, achieve the goal of engaging 300 million people in winter sports, and make contributions to promoting a peaceful and better world,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin.



Climate change threatens the world










It was a tough year for nature with many countries suffering a wave of extreme weather events. 


In July, Germany encountered heavy rains, resulting in historic flooding and damage. In August, California’s biggest wildfire raged through the American state, laying waste to hundreds of square kilometers. In October, torrential rain fell across Nepal and India, claiming the lives of 201 people. In December, dozens of tornadoes roared through six US states, leaving more than 90 people dead.


There is growing scientific evidence that some of these extreme weather events bear the footprint of human-induced climate change, said the World Meteorological Organization. The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that the world was reaching “a point of no return”.


To address these problems, the COP 26 climate summit, which was held from Oct 31 to Nov 13 in the UK, gathered global leaders to review progress on their commitments made since the 2015 Paris Agreement and discuss future plans. It requires all parties to work together to protect and restore ecosystems.


美利坚 不合众

US unable to curb chaos















The year 2021 was not an easy one for US politics. On Jan 20, Joe Biden, then 78, took office as the 46th president of the country. His presidency got off to a rocky start after a series of turbulent events. On Jan 6, a mob of Donald Trump’s supporters attacked the US Capitol in Washington, DC, seeking to overturn Trump’s defeat by disrupting the meeting of Congress set to count votes. 


In November, Kyle Rittenhouse, 18, killed two men during a racial disturbance in Wisconsin but was later found not guilty. With many Americans being “angry and concerned” with Rittenhouse’s acquittal, others have praised the teenager as a hero.  


These events led to a more divided society and questioning of the strength of US democracy commented various US media outlets. The US has also caused chaos in other parts of the world. In August, the US pulled out its last forces from Afghanistan, ending a 20-year war in the country. The withdrawal left the country in ruins, economically and otherwise, China Daily noted.





1. 百年未有之大变局

Major changes unseen in a century 


2. 小康 

Moderately prosperous 


3. 赶考 

Going for a big exam 


4. 双减

Double reduction (ease the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education) 


5. 碳达峰,碳中和

Carbon peaking, carbon neutrality 


6. 野性消费

Irrational consumption 


7. 破防 

This broke down my defenses. 


8. 鸡娃 

Tiger parenting 



Lying flat 


10. 元宇宙 






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I used to run a middle-sized enterprise with 400+ employees and 260 suppliers; hence, I opted to keep my personal information anonymous throughout this article.我曾经经营过一家拥有400多名员工和260家供应商的中型企业,因此,在整篇文章中,我选

