On Monday morning, a group of eight images depicting different scenarios formed by a total of nine traffic lights placed together triggered heated discussions among the public, with some criticizing the "new design" as being overly complicated and confusing.The "new" rules have also sparked controversy over the "removal" of the widely popular countdown for signal changes.However, the institute responsible for the system, the Traffic Management Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, issued a statement late on Monday saying there was no new national standard for traffic lights to be implemented in 2022.一、现行国家标准《道路交通信号灯设置与安装规范》(GB14886)于2016年12月13日发布、2017年7月1日实施,至今已五年,未作修订,不存在2022年实施的“新国标”。目前,各地在用道路交通信号灯符合现行标准,不需要进行更换。图源:国家标准全文公开系统The current national standard for traffic lights are in line with the guidebook titled Specifications for Road Traffic Signal Setting and Installation, which was issued in December 2016, and was rolled out in 2017, the statement said.二、按照2016年标准规定,信号灯组合形式包括2种常规组合和3种特殊组合,分别适用于不同类型的路口路段。网友指出的过于复杂的“九宫格”式信号灯,是特殊组合的一种,仅适用于极少数复杂路口,以减少人车冲突、保障安全畅通。《道路交通信号灯设置与安装规范》截图,图源:国家标准全文公开系统According to the statement, the complex scenarios pointed out by net users are only applicable in rare cases and would not affect normal road traffic.三、该标准从未对“倒计时显示器”作出规定,部分地方安装倒计时显示器,依据的是推荐性行业标准《道路交通信号倒计时显示器》(GA/T 508-2014),可以继续正常使用。The 2016 version of the guidebook did not mention whether or not the countdowns should be used, and it was up to various regions to use if it could provide more convenience for residents.四、网友反映的个别信号灯出现“红绿同亮”的情况,经排查均属于设备故障问题。如果因信号灯故障被抓拍,当事人可依据《道路交通安全违法行为处理程序规定》,向公安交通管理部门提出申述,核实后予以撤销。五、公安部交通管理科学研究所孙正良同志未认证开设新媒体账号、未进行直播。网上有人以“新国标红绿灯设计者孙正良”的名义进行直播,系他人冒用孙正良名义并盗用个人照片。The institute confirmed that someone had used the name and pictures of Sun Zhengliang, a staff member who works at the institute, to do a live broadcast, trying to explain the rules for the new lights but was forced to go offline 10 minutes later after being met with fierce criticism from viewers. The statement also said that Sun had not opened any social media accounts or done any live broadcast.
综合来源:央视网,Global Times,中国日报双语新闻,“公安部交通管理科研所微发布”微信公众号,国家标准全文公开系统