Some new treasures have been unearthed from the No. 8 pit of China's ancient ruins site Sanxingdui in southwest China's Sichuan Province.Up to now, the archaeological excavation of No. 7 pit and No. 8 of Sanxingdui has come to an end, but Sanxingdui has brought new surprises to the world."Four-Winged Legendary Creature"Archaeologists found a "Four-winged Legendary Creature" on the top of the lid of a bronze Zun (a bronze Chinese wine vessel used in rituals) in No. 8 pit, making this the first winged beast found in Sanxingdui.据央视新闻报道,考古队员清理的一件器物,被暂定名为镂空立兽器盖,大致位于8号坑的中间区域。近期,随着叠压在上面的一件青铜罍提取出土,镂空立兽器盖才露出了真容。一个巴掌大的屈身倒立小铜人,紧贴镂空花纹,双手奋力地支撑在器盖边缘,脚趾、小腿、臂膀肌肉饱满,凸显人物姿态力量偾张。镂空花纹托举一方平台,平台上昂首挺立一尊小神兽。The hollowed-out standing beast lid was revealed after the extraction of a bronze Lei (a large earthenware wine jar) stacked on top of the removed bronze Zun's lid. A palm-sized bronze man standing on his hands holds up a platform, and the platform holds up the "four-winged legendary creature."而这只神兽,与此前三星堆发掘出土的四脚神兽又有显著差异。比如同为8号坑发现的大型立人神兽,是头顶青铜小立人。青铜神坛上的神兽,图源:央视新闻视频但最新发现的这只四翼神兽,却展示出它在古蜀人精神世界中发挥的另一项功能。“肩部和臀部长有4个翅膀,目前看来应该是小翅膀。有可能表示这个神兽具有飞翔的能力。” 三星堆遗址祭祀区考古工作队赵昊在采访中介绍说。赵昊表示,“有趣的地方是在神兽的背上,我们目前看到还背着一个东西,初步来看可能是一棵神树的模型,树根的部分似乎已经露出来了。所以就是神兽可能确实存在多种功能的这种情况。”"On the back of the legendary creature, we can see that it is also carrying something that initially appears to be a model of a tree, the roots of which seem to be partially exposed," said Zhao.四翼神兽与其他神兽迥异之处,还在于其头部造型。四翼神兽脑袋圆润类似老虎,还有一口锋利的牙齿。而目前发现的其它三星堆神兽则为宽嘴猪鼻,且不露齿。The four-winged creature has a rounded head like that of a tiger and a mouth full of sharp teeth. The other Sanxingdui legendary creatures are broad-mouthed pig snouts and do not show teeth.专家表示,四翼神兽或许是古蜀人对真实动物的抽象再造,也是多种动物的混合体;更重要的是,中原地区尚未发现带盖铜尊。这件极富想象力的镂空立兽器盖,直观地显示出古蜀人对青铜尊这一祭祀礼器,特有的理解和使用方式,进一步为中华文明多元一体格局提供生动例证。“Pig Nose Dragon Shaped Ware”6月28日,四川德阳,三星堆8号祭祀坑等待提取的铜猪鼻龙形器。图片作者:中新社/视觉中国
三星堆遗址祭祀区考古工作队赵昊介绍,这件猪鼻龙形器长1.2米,高38厘米,头宽(双眼之间)20厘米,身宽12厘米,整体是四分范对称的形式,头部、身部都各有范缝。整件器物呈长柱状,龙头上有一个宽宽的鼻子、一只长耳朵,正中一只独角,身部均匀分布着鳞片纹样及一连串羽毛状的图案,形态奇特而优雅。A "Pig Nose Dragon Shaped Ware" was discovered during the latest excavation work at the site.Zhao Hao, a team member of the No. 8 pit's excavation, said the "Pig-nosed Dragon" is an artifact that has never been seen before in Sanxingdui and is quite large in size as the current measurement is about 1.2 meters.赵昊认为,这件器物很可能是古蜀人借鉴了多种动物形象创造出的想象之物。赵昊表示,“鼻子的部分很方、很宽、很长,所以我们暂时看上去像是猪鼻,因为那部分确实不是猪嘴,它的嘴和牙齿是在整个青铜像的靠中部的区域。” 因此,赵昊介绍,猪鼻龙形器这个名字只是目前暂定的,后续具体名字的确定还需要专家组讨论。The head of the tube is an animal face with a rectangular, wide, and long nose that "looks like a pig nose," added Zhao. "So we have temporarily named it after the pig-nose dragon."值得一提的是,猪鼻龙形器的嘴部密布像牙齿一样的东西,仔细观察,便能发现其刻画的都是牙璋(中国古代重要的祭祀礼器,在夏朝时期运用广泛)的形象。赵昊说,在三星堆的出土器物中,类似的牙璋形象不算罕见,此前出土的一批青铜小立人身上就装饰着这样的牙璋,七号坑出土的龙形器头上也有牙璋。
这是二里头遗址出土的牙璋(资料照片)。新华社发(中国社会科学院考古研究所二里头工作队供图) 仔细观察,猪鼻龙头部残留一只朝前生长的右耳,额头正中残留一只独角,头颈部分布有鳞片纹,而身部则带有羽翅纹、麒羽纹,均为浅浮雕工艺制成。得益于这些纹饰装点,原本看上去粗犷的猪鼻龙,又多了几分优雅和别致。
The entire body of the bronze was covered with various patterns including dragon scales, feathered wings and Qilin-style feathers (Qilin is a creature from Chinese mythology) made through bas-relief craftsmanship.中空的猪鼻龙形器,厚度只有三毫米左右,尾部有开口,开口两端存在人为留出的钉孔,考古专家据此推测,“猪鼻龙”可能是古蜀人的建筑构件,使用时将圆柱形木柱插入龙身,用铜钉将其固定连接。“我们推测用在一些建筑上面,比如说在屋角、屋脊,或者是建筑的出挑的部位,那么极有可能作为一个大型装饰来使用。”赵昊介绍说。The hollow "Pig-nosed Dragon," is only about three millimeters thick, has an opening at the end, and have artificially left nail holes at both ends of the opening. According to archaeologists, the "Pig-nosed Dragon" may be a building component with cylindrical wooden pillars that were used to shape the dragon's body, and copper nails that are used to connect them."Feathered Hollow Bronze Bird"
A precious bronze bird with hollow feathers with a brand-new look was found during the ongoing archaeological excavation, and it is the only bronze bird with hollowed-out feathers found so far at Sanxingdui.步入发掘尾声,三星堆8号坑已经见底,仍有虎头虎脑青铜龙、大型青铜尊罍、大型神兽等国宝重器。按照发掘方案,现在考古人员需要将这些重器周边分布的小件器物提取完毕后,再对重器进行提取。As the excavation of No. 8 pit comes to an end, there are still large sacred animals and other national treasures among other important objects in the pit. According to the excavation plan, the archaeologists now need to finish extracting the small-sized artifacts distributed around heavy artifacts before extracting the heavy artifacts.据赵昊介绍,8号坑的提取工作预计在9月底至10月初完成,田野发掘工作结束后,下一阶段将进行室内整理和文物修复。The extraction work of No. 8 pit is expected to be completed between late September and early October, and the next stage will be laboratory research and cultural relics restoration.综合来源:新华网,央视新闻,CGTN,Global Times