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“遏制中国?Mission Impossible!”

英语时事  2021-02-02 10:200

近日,国防部新闻发言人吴谦用一句英文向美方表明态度的视频刷屏,他说:To Contain China, Mission Impossible!(遏制中国,是不可能完成的任务!)





吴谦表示:“特朗普政府任内,中美两国关系出现严重困难,两军关系也面临很多风险与挑战。事实证明,遏制中国是不可能完成的任务,最终只会搬起石头砸了自己的脚。To Contain China, Mission Impossible!


During the Trump administration, China-US bilateral ties had experienced serious difficulties, and military relations between the two countries had also faced many risks and challenges, the spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense, Senior Colonel Wu Qian said in a news briefing. "Reality has proven containing China is an impossible mission that will ultimately backfire," he said.






At present, the relations between China and the US and between their militaries have come to a new historical starting point. We hope the new US administration will work with the Chinese side, in the spirit of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation, to strengthen dialogue, focus on cooperation, and manage and control divergences to promote the healthy and steady development of bilateral ties, Wu stressed.


1月28日下午,国防部举行例行记者会,国防部新闻局局长、国防部新闻发言人吴谦大校答记者问。李晓伟 摄 图源:国防部网站


Wu mentioned that from January 26 to 27, the two militaries held a video-based work meeting on searching for the remains of American war captives and missing persons. Both sides exchanged in-depth views on cases concerned by the US side and the mil-to-mil cooperation. This fully reflected that China attached great importance to the US side's concerns in the humanitarian field.


China hopes the US side will work with China towards the same goal with the same professionalism, properly address China's concerns in the fields of mil-to-mil relations, intensify communication, manage and control risks, avoid crisis, and push the US-China mil-to-mil relations forward along the right track, said Wu.












"We congratulate President Biden on taking office. I've noticed that the American media say this turns a new page in American history. This morning, as I watched the fireworks display and heard the crowd cheering at the inauguration party, I did feel somewhat emotional. Indeed, it has been a very rough patch. After going though the trying days, the people of China and the United States deserve a better future, and we wish President Biden every success in state governance."












“Over the past few years, the Trump administration went in a very wrong direction. They regarded China as a ‘strategic competitor’ and even a ‘threat’, and thus took erroneous actions that interfered in China's internal affairs and undermined China's interests, leading to a profoundly severe situation in China-U.S. relations, which does no good to the fundamental interests of the Chinese and American people. As pointed out repeatedly by the Chinese side, as two major countries, China and the United States have broad common interests and shoulder special, major responsibilities in safeguarding world peace and stability, and in promoting global development and prosperity. Both countries stand to gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation. Cooperation is the only right choice for both.”






“We hope the new U.S. administration will draw lessons from the Trump administration's wrong policies on China. We hope the new administration will view China and China-U.S. relations in an objective and rational manner, implement China policies that are positive and constructive, meet China halfway, focus on cooperation, manage differences, and bring China-U.S. relations back on the right track of sound and stable development. ”












“Climate change is a common challenge faced by humanity. As it concerns the future of all humankind, to tackle it requires global actions, global response and global cooperation instead of any solution by a single country. China and the United States share broad common interests and abundant room for cooperation. We had fruitful cooperation on addressing climate change, and played a constructive role on the conclusion, signing and entry into force of the Paris Agreement. China is ready to cooperate with the United States and the international community on climate change.”






“That said, I'd like to stress that China-U.S. cooperation in specific areas, unlike flowers that can bloom in a greenhouse despite winter chill, is closely linked with bilateral relations as a whole. China has emphasized time and again that no one should imagine they could ask China to understand and support them in bilateral and global affairs when they blatantly interfere in China's domestic affairs and undermine China's interests. We hope the United States can create favorable conditions for coordination and cooperation with China in major areas.”





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