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英语时事  2016-07-14 07:580

At only 24 years old, Zhang Yishan has scored a coup. He has avoided being pigeonholed as just another pretty face, winning recognition for his acting rather than his sex appeal.

Since the first season of the crime thriller Yu Zui (《余罪》) was released on iQiyi in May, Zhang’s Sina Weibo account has been flooded with enthusiastic comments about his performance in the title role.

The 12-episode web series has attracted more than 900 million clicks, and it earned a score of 8.4 out of 10 on the review site Douban. The success of the series is largely credited to its intriguing characters and Zhang’s acting.

“Web series viewers are mainly young people who are easily attracted to roles that go against tradition and exhibit strong individuality. The audience feels no distance from such a flawed person,” television producer and critic Xie Xiaohu toldSixth Tone.

In the series, Zhang brings to life a shrewd undercover cop who gets framed for murder after a bloody fight. The problem is, his character Yu doesn’t realize the supposed victim is still alive. Made to believe he killed the man he was fighting, Yu reacts with pure anguish. It’s at moments like these when the physicality of Zhang’s acting becomes most apparent: His eyes turn red, the veins on his neck and temples bulge, and his face contorts. Zhang invests all the gravitas he can muster into the scene, and it pays off.

This is not the first time Zhang has amazed audiences with his acting. In last year’s hit film Mr Six (《老炮儿》), he turned five minutes of screen time into a star turn, with his vivid portrayal of a rascally gangster.

Coincidentally or not, these two characters have a lot in common: They’re both morally ambiguous individuals that toe the line between comedic and off-putting. While other young actors compete for Prince Charming roles, Zhang has hewn his own path. He’s making a name for himself by playing trash-talking antiheroes. Few other actors can get away with his onscreen antics–which include crass remarks, like calling women “Sister Big Boobs”–and still remain likeable.

Zhang has publicly distanced himself from the label “fresh meat”, a term applied to rising stars his age. “I know this title ‘fresh meat’, but I don’t think I belong to that category,” he said to Meng Jing, deputy editorial director of Vista magazine. “But I respect and believe the standouts in any genre have their own special strengths.”
“小鲜肉”,这个用来称呼与他同龄新秀的标签,张一山却公开与之划清界限。“知道‘小鲜肉’这个词,但我觉得自己不是那个路子的,”他向《Vista 看天下》杂志编辑部副主任孟静说道。“每一个领域的佼佼者,都必定有他的过人之处,这点我是佩服和相信的。”

Still, though he holds himself apart from his generation of screen stars, he undoubtedly serves as testament to the talent of young actors in China today.


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I used to run a middle-sized enterprise with 400+ employees and 260 suppliers; hence, I opted to keep my personal information anonymous throughout this article.我曾经经营过一家拥有400多名员工和260家供应商的中型企业,因此,在整篇文章中,我选

