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卸任后更有钱途!卡梅伦华尔街演讲 时薪12万
David Cameron was paid more than £120,000 for a speech that lasted little over an hour, it has been claimed.据称,戴维·卡梅伦一通一小时多点的演讲收入12万英镑。The former prime minister is said to have given a speech about the implications


A global study of English language proficiency in 60 nations revealed that the ability of the French to master the language of Shakespeare is actually declining. And France's fear of losing its culture is to blame.一项针对60个国家进行的全球


The Queen is facing a million-pound black hole in her estates’ finances after Brexit which has caused consternation among royal aides.英国脱欧后,女王要面临100英镑资产财务黑洞,引发了皇家副官一阵惶恐。The Queen’s country retreat in Norfol


What Chinese Products Do Foreigners Like?哪些中国产品深受歪果仁喜爱?获得114好评的回答Hamlus GoodwinLao Gan Ma, especially chili sauce flavor with picture of a middle-age women printed on it. Literally one of the best sauces, I think. All p


全球首个VR支付产品VR Pay在深圳亮相
Alibaba's finance arm has shown demonstrated a payment service that will allow virtual reality shoppers to pay for things in future just by nodding their heads. 阿里金融事业部展示了一项支付业务,该业务将允许虚拟现实购物者在未来点点头就把钱


Just ask any one of the 300,000 Americans who develop kidney stones: What if the excruciating pain of passing one of those little devils could be prevented by strapping yourself into a make-believe runaway mine train, throwing your hands in


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