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英语时事  2016-11-10 08:000

When US writer Paul Beatty’s fourth novel The Sellout was published in 2015, it saw only a small release and didn’t make much of a *splash. But among its small initial audience, at least one of those readers was an industry heavyweight – Beatty’s book went on to win the National Book Critics Circle award, and now, the Booker.

As one of the most *prestigious literary honors in the English-speaking world, The Man Booker Prize for Fiction (simply known as the Booker Prize) is awarded each year for the best original novel. On Oct 25, 54-year-old Beatty, who lives in New York and teaches at Columbia University’s School of Arts, was named as the first American to win the prize, with The Sellout helping him win the *accolade.
作为英语世界文坛上享有盛誉的文学大奖之一,布克小说奖(简称为布克奖)每年会颁发给最佳原创小说。 10月25日,54岁的比第,现居纽约并任教于哥伦比亚大学艺术学院,被评为第一个获得该奖项的美国人,其小说《出卖》助他摘得了此项殊荣。

The book is a biting *satire on race relations in the US. The story’s narrator, an African-American called Bonbon, tries to put his Californian town back on the map – from which it has been officially removed – by re-introducing *segregation in its high school, as well as slavery.

The 289-page novel begins with Bonbon facing a hearing in the Supreme Court, looking back over the events that led up to that point.

The language of the book, along with some of its content, is *uncompromising and may offend some readers. Upsetting as it may be to some though, the content isn’t too far removed from what one might read in a newspaper, including the side story of the *protagonist’s father, who is unjustly shot by police.

At a ceremony in London, Beatty was *overwhelmed with emotion and struggled for words as he began his acceptance speech. “I hate writing,” he admitted to the audience. “This is a hard book,” he went on. “It was hard for me to write, I know it’s hard to read. Everyone’s coming at it from different angles.”

“For me, it’s just really *gratifying that something that’s important to me is also important for other people,” he said at a news conference.

The competition for the Booker, which was first awarded in 1969, has been much more intense in recent years after the prize was opened to any novel written in English and published in Britain. Until 2014, the prize was restricted to novels written by authors from Britain, Ireland and the Commonwealth nations. Previous prizes have gone to world-class authors including Salman Rushdie, Hilary Mantel and Margaret Atwood.

The Booker Prize’s five judges read 155 novels before *whittling the pile down to a shortlist of just six, including works from two British writers, two from the US, one Canadian and one British-Canadian. Each author receives £2,500 (21,000 yuan) and a specially bound edition of their book. The winner receives a further £50,000.

Chair of the judges, Amanda Foreman, said The Sellout had been a *unanimous choice. “It *plunges into the heart of contemporary American society with absolutely *savage *wit of the kind I haven’t seen since Jonathan Swift or Mark Twain,” she said. “It is really a novel for our times.”
评审主席阿曼达•弗尔曼表示,《出卖》是评委们一致的选择。 “它深深刺穿当代美国社会,自乔纳森•斯威夫特和马克•吐温以来,我再没见过的这种酣畅淋漓野性的智慧,” 她说, “这真的是我们时代的小说。”


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