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英语时事  2016-11-08 15:280

The NBA is back, featuring some of the world’s greatest athletes and biggest stars.

Defending champions Cleveland Cavaliers, led by *reigning MVP Lebron James, will face stiff competition from modern-day rivals the Golden State Warriors. The Warriors had the best regular season record in NBA history last season on the back of former MVP Steph Curry and his “Splash Brother”, Klay Thompson.
由本届“最有价值球员”勒布朗•詹姆斯带领的卫冕冠军克利夫兰骑士队,将再次与当今劲敌金州勇士队展开激烈竞争。在曾获最有价值球员奖的史蒂芬•库里以及他的“水花兄弟” 克莱•汤普森的大力支援下,金州勇士队在上个赛季创下了NBA史上常规赛的最佳记录。

But James proved too much for both of them in the Finals, the Cavaliers staging a monumental comeback to *clinch the title.

It’s different this year, however. The Warriors have added superstar Kevin Durant to their roster and are now being dubbed a “super team” at short odds to win back the NBA crown. But theirs isn’t the only battle being *waged.

Here are two other players in this season’s NBA with a storyline worth following:

Anthony Davis,

power forward, New Orleans Pelicans

There are many different ways to enjoy this absolute freak of nature. Tall, fast, athletic and with an amazing reach, Davis has *unparalleled capabilities as a player.

Davis has almost every trick in the book but, at 23-years-old, he’s still learning. It was no surprise to see the man in question drop 50 points in the Pelicans’ season opener two weeks ago. He added 16 *rebounds, five assists, seven steals and four blocks.
尽管戴维斯拥有近乎教科书般的技巧,但23岁的他仍在努力学习。毫无意外的是,在两周前的鹈鹕队揭幕战中, 状态不佳的他仍一人独砍50分,共抢下了16个篮板、送出5次助攻、7次抢断,并给了对手4记盖帽。

The last player to score 50 in a season opener was Michael Jordan in 1989, and no player since 1983-84 has matched Davis’ stat line across the five major categories in any game. For the record, the Pelicans still lost. But if there’s one man to watch this season (other than Lebron or Curry), it’s Davis.

D’Angelo Russell,

point guard, Los Angeles Lakers

Last season there was a guy called Kobe Bryant at the Los Angeles Lakers. He kind of *hogged the limelight in his farewell season. But while Bryant was going out with a bang, there was one man who was quietly getting on with things.

Waiting for his moment to arrive, D’Angelo Russell showed enough to convince punters he could be the man to fill Bryant’s shoes. Fast forward to this season the crafty, clever and super-fast ball handler is already showing that he can. The 20-year-old had 20 points in his team’s first-round win against play-off contenders Houston.

Russell says his vision and basketball IQ is his greatest strength. But he can defend and score, too. The Lakers are probably not a side capable of winning the title this season, but you just know that Russell will make them a lot of fun to watch nonetheless.


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