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边读边学  2014-03-10 10:020

业界反对以地毯式推进贷款调整, the Mortgage Bankers Association的首席经济学家Doug Duncan 先生说, 当某些情况下更改有意义时, 也可以简朴地推迟其必然性,或者给不能精明地管理他们的资金的借贷者予回报. Duncan 先生说业界正与政府官员和消费者群体一起建立能用于飞快界定谁能有资格拥有调整贷款的原则.

The political efforts are aimed at keeping the U.S. economy out of a housing-triggered recession. The Mortgage Bankers Association estimates that 1.35 million homes will enter the foreclosure process this year and another 1.44 million in 2008, up from 705,000 in 2005.

行政努力的目的是使美国经济免于因住房危机触发的经济衰退. The Mortgage Bankers Association估计今年将有135万套房子进入抵押赎回权丧失程序, 2008年将达到144万套, 而2005年仅有705,000套.

The projected supply of foreclosed homes is equal to about 45% of existing home sales and could add four months to the supply of existing homes, says Dale Westhoff, a senior managing director at Bear Stearns. This is a "fundamental shift" in the housing supply, says Mr. Westhoff, who believes that home prices will drop further as lenders "mark to market" repossessed homes.

计划供应的取消抵押赎回权的房子将占现存房子销售量的大约45%, 将增加4个月的现房供应量. Bear Stearns 的高级主管Dale Westhoff先生说, 这将是一个房子供应量的“基本变化”. 他相信房价的下跌将远远低于出贷方推向市场的二手房价格.

Foreclosed homes typically sell at a discount of 20% to 25% compared to the sale of an owner-occupied home, analysts say. Lenders are eager to unload the properties, and the homes tend to be in poorer condition.

与有产权的房子售价相比, 取消抵押赎回权的房子售价将折价20%~25%.分析师说. 出贷方渴望挣脱拥有资产的负担,而房子则趋向于更糟糕的状况.

"People didn't leave the house happily," says Jason Bosch, a broker with Home Center Realty in Norco, Calif. "There are often signs of that. There's used, dirty carpet. The grass is dead." Mr. Bosch says he now has about 120 bank-owned properties for sale or in escrow compared with none a year ago.


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