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边读边学  2014-03-10 10:020

Ms. Bair has proposed that mortgage companies freeze the interest rates on some two million mortgages at the rate before the reset to help borrowers avoid trouble. "Keep it at the starter rate," Ms. Bair said at conference last month. "Convert it into a fixed rate. Make it permanent. And get on with it."

Bair 女士建议抵押公司在调整来临之前冻结部分200万宗抵押的利率, 以帮助贷款者回避困难.“ 保持在最初设定的利率”, 在上个月的会议上Bair 女士说,“ 把他们转到固定利率, 把它变成永久的,连续按这样做.”

Picking up on that theme, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in the past week announced an agreement with four major loan servicers, including Countrywide Financial Corp., the nation's biggest mortgage lender, to freeze the interest rates on certain ARMs that are resetting. The freeze would be temporary, rather than for the life of the loan. The program is aimed at borrowers who are living in their homes and making their mortgage payments on time, but aren't expected to be able to make the higher payments after reset.

同样的,加州州长施瓦辛格在上周和4家主要的贷款商包括本国最大的抵押贷款提供商Countrywide Financial Corp达成协议,冻结部分特定的正在调整的ARM的利率, 但这个冻结是临时的,并非在整个贷款周期上. 这个计划是针对那些住在他们的房子里并且还款准时,在调整利率后认为不能承受更高支付的贷款者.

The mortgage industry opposes a blanket move to modify loans that are resetting, says Doug Duncan, chief economist of the Mortgage Bankers Association. While modification may make sense in some cases, he says, it may also simply postpone the inevitable or reward borrowers who didn't manage their finances wisely. Mr. Duncan says the industry is working with government officials and consumer groups to develop principles that could be used to determine quickly who qualifies for a modified loan.


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