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边读边学  2014-03-10 10:020

根据Banc of America Securities的分析, 除了3620亿次级ARM的利率将在2008年被调整, 另外还有1520亿其他可变利率贷款也需要调整. 其他需要调整的贷款还包括: 超过417,000USD的 “jumbo”抵押贷款; ALT-A贷款, 一类介于初级和次级贷款之间的贷款. 更大的风险是后者,因这部分包括了那些只能提供极少文件来证明他们的收入和财产的贷款者.

The number of borrowers facing higher payments isn't growing merely because the amount of loans with resets is higher. Another factor is that those with a looming reset now have a tougher time sidestepping it by refinancing or selling their home. "There is a large amount of borrowers who are in products that either no longer exist or that they no longer qualify for," says Banc of America Securities analyst Robert Lacoursiere.

面临更高还款支付的借贷者的数量将不会纯粹上升, 因为可调整贷款的数量更高.另一个因素是那些影子调整的贷款者只有很紧的工夫来重新融资和卖掉房子来回避. “ 相当多借贷者的房子将不复存在或者没有资格拥有.” Banc of America Securities 的分析师Robert Lacoursiere先生说.

Falling home prices mean that many borrowers have little or no equity in their home, making it tougher for them to get out from under their loans.

房价下跌意味着很多借贷者拥有极少或以至没有的房屋资产价值. 这将加剧了他们走出贷款压力的难度.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and the chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Sheila Bair, have been pressing lenders to modify terms in a sweeping way, rather than going through a time-consuming case-by-case evaluation that could end up pushing many people into foreclosure. Officials at the Federal Reserve and in the Bush administration have estimated that 150,000 mortgages are resetting a month.

财政部长Henry Paulson 和Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.的Sheila Bair女士 已经大规模地给出贷方施加压力改变贷款条件,而不用能使更多人陷入丧失抵押赎回权的消耗工夫的逐案评估的方式. 联邦储备官员和布什政府估计每个月将有150000宗抵押能办理调整.


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