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边读边学  2014-03-10 10:020

Litton Loan Servicing的CEO Larry Litton Jr. 说, ARM利率的调整将是近期房贷无法偿还比率变大的一个比较大的驱动因素.“ 最初的冲击波将很大程度上来自更高频率的贷款欺诈和宽松保险的驱动.” Litton 先生说. 他的公司在全国范围内服务340,000宗借贷.“我们现金看到的一个更大的房贷无法偿还比率是ARM利率的调整的结果.”

More than half of the subprime delinquencies and foreclosures this year involved loans that hadn't yet reset, and thus were due to factors such as weak underwriting and falling home prices, according to Rod Dubitsky, an analyst with Credit Suisse.

根据瑞士信贷的分析师Rod Dubitsky先生的观点,由于诸如较弱的保险和房价下跌等这些因素的影响,半数以上的次贷不良和丧失抵押赎回权的贷款利率没有被调整.

The majority of subprime ARMs due to reset next year are so-called 2-28 loans, which carry a fixed rate for two years, then adjust annually thereafter. In a speech earlier this month, Federal Reserve Governor Randall Kroszner explained how a typical 2-28 subprime loan issued in early 2007 might work. He said the interest rate on the loan would start at 7%, then jump to 9.5% after two years. For a typical borrower, that would add $350 to the monthly payment.

大多数明年需要调整的次级ARM即是所谓的2-28贷款.这些贷款的头俩年利率是固定的,随后每年将被调整. 根据本月初联邦储备官员Randall Kroszner先生的一篇演讲, 他解释了一个发行于20007年出的典型2-28贷款是如何运作的.他说,贷款利率最初设为7%,两年后将跳升至9.5%. 对一个典型的借贷者来讲,每月将增加还贷350USD.

Besides the $362 billion of subprime ARMs that are scheduled to reset during 2008, $152 billion of other loans with adjustable rates are set to reset, according to Banc of America Securities. The other resetting loans include "jumbo" mortgages of more than $417,000 and Alt-A loans, a category between prime and subprime. The latter category is the riskier, in part because it includes borrowers who provided little or no documentation of their income or assets.


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