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边读边学  2014-03-10 10:020

如今利率调整潮的真正高峰已经来临, 这势必给借贷者,出贷方以及华尔街更大的痛苦.很多专注于给信用不足的人群发放次贷的出贷方已经陷入濒临破产的边缘. 很多发放次贷或者从这些出贷方购买投资证券的大银行和投资者正在报告上十亿美金的损失.

The reset peak will likely add to political pressure to help borrowers who can't afford to pay the higher interest rates. The housing slowdown is emerging as an issue in both the presidential and congressional races for 2008, and the Bush administration is pushing lenders to loosen terms and keep people from losing their homes.

调整高峰似正帮助不能支付更高利息的借贷者施加政治压力. 对2008年的总统选举和国会选举来说, 住房供应减速将成为一个问题. 布什政府已经逼出贷方放松贷款条件, 以保证人们不会失去他们的房子.

Banc of America Securities, a unit of the big Charlotte, N.C., bank, estimates that $85 billion in subprime mortgages are resetting during the current quarter, and the same amount will reset in the first quarter of 2008. That will rise to a peak of $101 billion in the second quarter. The estimates include loans packaged into securities and held in bank portfolios.

Charlotte, N.C., bank的分部Banc of America Securities 本季度将有850亿USD的次贷利率需要调整. 2008年第一季度也将有同样数量的次贷利率需要调整, 第二季度将达到峰值的1010亿USD. 这个估计包括借贷打包证券和银行持有的投资搭配.

Larry Litton Jr., chief executive of Litton Loan Servicing, says resetting of adjustable-rate mortgages, or ARMs, has recently emerged as a bigger driver of defaults. "The initial wave was largely driven by a higher frequency of fraudulent loans……and loose underwriting," says Mr. Litton, whose company services 340,000 loans nationwide. "A much larger percentage of the defaults we're seeing right now are the result of ARM resets."


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