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5 Major Beauty Apps in China You Should Know媒体评选:中国最火的5款美颜APPThe proliferation of social media and interactive smartphone-based apps has demonstrated that e-marketing is an irreversible trend. A 2016 McKinsey report shows t


Researchers have designed a lithium-ion battery that contains a fire-extinguishing material, which is released if the battery gets too hot. 研究人员设计出一款自带灭火材料的锂离子电池,在电池过热时就会释放灭火材料。 Flame retardant triphen


外媒看中国:今年春节黄金周 旅游也太爆了!
January 28 marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year, and this year's calendar allows for a possible ten-day break.1月28日是中国春节的开始,这个新春假期让人们可能有了10天以上的小长假。While the holiday used to be a period of family reunio


西班牙顶级厨师 切个腿挣4000美元 OMG!
Florencio Sanchidrián has been slicing Iberian ham (jamon) for the last three decades and today his name is synonymous with the Spanish delicacy. The 55-year-old is regarded as the world’s best ham slicer in the world, and he charges for


下载量涨177倍的这张照片 是如何让川普的?
If you’ve been following this year’s US presidential race, chances are you’ve seen the above photo of Donald Trump more than once. Wire service Getty Images just declared it their most popular election photoever, downloaded 177 more time


NASA has approved the launch of its Mars lander, InSight, for May 2018, to study the Red Planet's deep interior. 美国宇航局已确认,将于2018年5月发射火星着陆器,以深入研究这颗红色的星球。 The mission was originally scheduled to launch in M


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