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美文阅读  2017-07-11 12:570

Pop singers, actors and sports stars are not the only ones today’s teenagers seek to emulate. It turns out that the legendary American poet Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) has a sincere following among many young people.

She may seem a curious choice for teenage devotion. Many might think of Emily Dickinson as someone locked away from the world, a spinster living and writing in her bedroom as if she were in a self-made prison. In a way, though, many teens are reclusive just like this. Uncertain and a little afraid of the approaching world of adulthood, it seems safer to many to keep to oneself.

Except – it turns out that Emily Dickinson wasn’t quite like this. A new exhibition at the Morgan Library in New York is encouraging a different perspective on the poet. The curator of the show, Carolyn Vega, told the BBC that while it is true that Dickinson liked to keep herself to herself, she also took a great interest in life beyond the front door of her father’s house in Amherst, Massachusetts.

According to Vega, Dickinson was deeply connected to her world through family, friendships, and literary mentors and editors. She also read many books and was aware of the political realities that were going on around her, including the American Civil War.

Another expert gives us a clue into the appeal of Dickinson’s poems to the young. Cassandra Atherton, an Australian academic, fell in love with the writer’s work as a teenager. “Emily Dickinson was my poster girl,” she told the BBC. Atherton took it so far as to model her teenage look on the only known photograph of Dickinson. She would arrive at school dressed in white and her hair tied in a tight bun. She identified with the poet as a fellow outsider.

The title of the New York exhibition, “I’m nobody! Who are you?”, from one of her poems, tells us a little about Dickinson’s approach to life and writing. She seemed to have thought, “The less I am to myself, the more interesting the world will become.” And when reading a large proportion (比例) of the 1,800 poems she wrote, the world seems just like that – a place we thought we knew, but which Dickinson represents to us in a brand new way.
这个纽约的展览名为“我是无名之辈!你是谁?”,名字来源于狄金森的一首诗。展览向我们呈现了一些狄金森的生活与写作之道。她似乎很有想法,“我留给自己的越少,这个世界就会变得越有意思。”狄金森共写了1800首诗,当我们读完了她的大部分诗作时,世界似乎就像诗中所说的那样 —— 我们以为自己了解的这个世界,狄金森却以一种全新的方式向我们展示。


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