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边读边学  2017-05-10 15:320

It’s widely regarded as one of Disney’s best feature films and was the very first animated movie in history to be nominated (提名) for a Best Picture Oscar.

Now, the tale of how a cursed (受诅咒的) man-beast is transformed into a handsome prince by the love of a beautiful girl will be told in a live-action remake. Beauty and the Beast, starring British actors Emma Watson and Dan Stevens, will come out in China on March 17.

“Certain as the sun rising in the East, grown children of the 1990s are losing their minds over the film,” according to Vogue, which also said that the movie’s trailer (预告片) became the most-watched one ever. The short clip managed a huge 91.8 million hits in its first 24 hours.

For one thing, “watching Belle come to life in the form of Watson is very nostalgic (怀旧的)”, commented Vogue. But also, as Total Film reported, Beauty and the Beast - unlike Cinderella, which was remade as a live-action movie in 2015 - is still relevant (相关的) today, “in part because Belle is a smart, strong-willed, feminist (女权主义的) princess,” wrote the magazine.
从一方面来说,“观看沃特森演绎的贝儿有一种怀旧情结,”《时尚》杂志评论道。但不仅如此,据英国电影杂志《Total Film》报道,《美女与野兽》—— 和2015年翻拍的真人电影《灰姑娘》不同 —— 依然和今天的生活息息相关,“一部分是因为贝儿是一个聪明、坚强、有女权意识的公主,”该杂志写道。

Watson said she turned down the offer to play Cinderella but took on Belle because she considered her a much better role model. Think how Belle is able to see past Beast’s ugly appearance to see the good heart within. This perhaps is the independent, kind and courageous person that Watson sees in the character.

“She remains curious, compassionate (富有同情心的), and open-minded,” Watson told Total Film. “She’s not easily swayed (使动摇) by other people’s perspectives (看法).”
“她一直保留着好奇心、同情心和开放的心态,”沃特森在接受《Total Film》杂志采访时表示。“她不会轻易被他人的看法动摇。”

However, according to the Express newspaper, a teaching plan available in thousands of classrooms in the UK says that Beauty and the Beast is a sexist (性别歧视的) story. “The movie says if a woman is pretty and sweet natured she can change an abusive (虐待的) man into a kind and gentle man. In other words, it is the woman’s fault if her man abuses her,” reads the teaching plan.

And there are some who feel disturbed by the fact that Belle is being held in a hostage (人质) situation, yet ends up falling for her captor (抓捕者), Beast. Watson admitted to Entertainment Weekly that it’s something she really grappled (纠结) with at the beginning. But she had a change of heart as she began to build her version of Belle who, as Watson put it, “keeps her independence and freedom of thought.”

“Beast and Belle begin their love story really not liking each other very much. They build a friendship, and very slowly that builds to them falling in love… They have seen the worst of one another, and they also bring out the best,” said Watson.


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