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英语时事  2016-12-09 09:270

While so many movie romances begin with a charming “meet and progress from there” storyline, audiences can never be quite sure whether the central couple in Your Name could ever actually meet, even though they have a weird habit of waking up in one another’s bodies.

An *endearingly loopy mix of time-travel, body-swapping, and disaster-movie ingredients that’s already a massive hit in its native Japan, this unconventional romance *hails from the imagination of Makoto Shinkai, a talented young animation director who launched his career with the ultra-indie Voices of a Distant Star (2002), and who has *dedicated himself to creating some of the country’s most stunning anime ever since.

Because neither Newton’s Laws nor traditional genre rules apply here, Your Name’s fantastical premise skips the usual love-at-first-sight cliche and introduces its would-be couple–big-city Tokyo teen Taki and provincial schoolgirl Mitsuha–under far more intimate circumstances.

Rather than worrying about all the things that could potentially come between them, the suspense *hinges on whether these two characters will succeed in figuring out who the other actually is, and from there, why the cosmos have seen fit to connect them in the first place.

Sooner or later, this playful setup gives way to a far more elaborate supernatural *scenario, one that exploits a feeling not unlike *deja vu, only stronger, as neither character can seem to hold onto the memory of what they did while “out-of-body” for long. Meanwhile, the puzzle becomes increasingly clear to us, the audience, as we gradually come to understand the significance of a gorgeousatmospheric condition teased in the film’s opening seconds.

Audiences would be hard-pressed to find any animator capable of rendering more beautiful skies, or landscapes, than Shinkai, although much has been written in recent years about the fear that the days of hand-drawn animation may be numbered.

Granted, no *cels were harmed in the making of Your Name, though the director and his team have found a way to keep the aesthetic alive–to heighten it, even–while doing all of their drawing on tablets and screens.

The movie has even received international acclaims. “Throughout, Shinkai *juxtaposes male and female, town and country, science and superstition, past and present. But it’s in the twilight twinkling ... when night and day meet and worlds old and new *collide, that the real heart of this story lies,” The Guardian’s Mark Kermode wrote. “Like Chris Marker’s pioneering sci-fi La jetée (1962), Your Name *spirals elegantly towards a point where beginnings and ends become indistinguishable, but does so more in the manner of a *melancholy coming-of-age comedy than an abstract arthouse experiment.”


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