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英语时事  2016-11-22 14:210

First, it was unbelievable. Then it was very *improbable. Around 2:30 am US Eastern time on Nov 9, US real estate *magnate Donald Trump’s presidency became a reality.

The Republican nominee won 276 electoral votes against the 218 of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, meaning he will become the 45th president of the United States.

Ever since Trump announced his candidacy for president, he has merely been labeled as a showman. And not just because he’s a former reality star with no history in politics, but more for his unconventional political ideologies and *wacky temperament that makes him “not fit to be president and commander-in-chief”, as opponent Clinton repeatedly brought up.

In the early presidential primaries, Trump proposed the controversial and far-out idea of building a wall across the US southern border and making Mexico pay for it. He used *vulgar language to blast migrants while pledging a ban on entry for Muslims into the US, and also denigrated US allies such as Japan and South Korean while praising one of its biggest opponents, Russian president Vladimir Putin.

On the campaign trail, his candidacy was *marred by countless missteps. From the crude and demeaning speeches that irritated women and minorities everywhere, to a list of alleged sexual assaults from his past that came back to haunt him in the final weeks of the race.

Even a day before Election Day, big data and media modeling still projected that Clinton had the best chance at winning the presidency. An optimistic Clinton campaign internal memo even predicted, *albeit incorrectly, that “Secretary Clinton was poised for a historic win”.

But it seems that Trump’s victory has knocked the US off guard, while sending shock waves throughout the rest of the world.

Many, including Clinton herself, believe that FBI director James Comey’s second inquiry of her use of a private email server directly slowed down the momentum of the democrat candidate’s campaign. And the prevailing of news consumption via social media, as opposed to more traditional channels, is thought to have resulted in the spreading of misinformation, leading mainstream media to underestimate the power of Trump’s campaign.

However, Trump’s triumph may have a much deeper meaning behind it. It not only marks a powerful rejection of the political establishment, but also reveals a social divide within the US.

“It is an angry verdict on two decades of rising inequality, bank *bailouts, and a version of globalization that benefits those at the top but leaves ordinary people feeling disempowered,” Harvard political professor Michael J. Sandel told the Harvard Gazette.

Trump’s win followed with a sharp U-turn of the stock market as Wall Street investors believe the president-elect will be different from how he claimed during his campaign. However, in the face of fear and uncertainty, thousands of protestors from New York to Los Angeles rallied against Trump, chanting slogans like “Not our president”, with some marching on his home in Manhattan.

“There is obviously a gap between the public’s perception of the role of US foreign policy and the elite’s perception,” former secretary of state Henry Kissinger told The Atlantic. “I think the new president has an opportunity to *reconcile the two. He has an opportunity, but it is up to him to seize it.”


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