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研究:木糖醇等甜味剂或引发心脏病和中风Common low-calorie sweetener linked to heart attack and stroke, study finds


研究:喝咖啡可能有助于预防帕金森病Drinking coffee may help protect against Parkinson's, study says
喝咖啡不光具有提神醒脑的作用。一项研究通过长达多年的随访调查发现,喝咖啡的人比完全不喝咖啡的人患帕金森病的风险更低。 Photo/Pexels We know


民调:生活成本飙升困扰美国年轻人 1/3受访者担心会无家可归New Study Shows 1/3 Of Young Adults Worry About Homelessness
A homeless man sits on a luggage bag along a downtown Los Angeles street lined


研究:气候变化导致阿拉斯加河流变为橙色Alaskan rivers turning orange due to climate change, study finds
几年前,人们惊讶地发现,美国阿拉斯加数十条河流里的水变成了“橙汁”。研究指出,事实上,这是被铁锈污染的河流,而铁锈则来自因全球变暖而融化的冻土。 卫报截图 Do


女性是否真的比男性更怕冷?真相是……Study reveals whether women actually feel cold more than men


亚洲地区成为海外留学选择 - Asian locales on rise as overseas study options


赴内地学习的香港学生人数创历史新高 - Record number of HK students to study on mainland


学生的留学偏好倾向于亚洲:调查 - Students' study abroad preferences trending toward Asia: Survey


State Council's themed study session looks at high-quality development - State Council's t
The State Council, China's Cabinet, held its first-ever themed study session on Sunday, presided over by Premier Li Qiang, with the focus on new development philosophy and high-quality development.Wang Changlin, president of the Academy of Macroecono


Overseas study likely to regain popularity - Overseas study likely to regain popularity
Last year, Liu Zitong shelved her plan to study abroad due to COVID-19 and other safety concerns, and instead prepared for the national postgraduate entrance exam to enroll in a Chinese university.However, after the 22-year-old senior undergraduate studen


Walking 8,000 steps daily on weekends enough to cut death risk: study - Walking 8,000 steps daily on
Walking 8,000 steps per day just on weekends can lower the risk of death, a Japanese research group has found.People who walked at least 8,000 steps daily on one or two days per week saw a drop in the risk of death after 10 years that was about the same a


New study couples Arctic sea-ice loss with extreme cold weather - New study couples Arctic sea-ice l
A new joint study has provided new scientific evidence for the connection between Arctic sea-ice loss and mid-latitude extreme cold weather events, according to Lanzhou University.The study reveals the importance of stratospheric feedback in Arctic warmin


Xi stresses Party theoretic study drive to enhance cohesion and pool strengths - Xi stresses Party t
A meeting on the education campaign about the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era was held on Monday in Beijing. President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of Chin


Mass loss of lake-terminating glaciers in Himalayas significantly underestimated: study - Mass loss
A new study has revealed that the mass loss of 2.7 gigaton (Gt) lake-terminating glaciers in the Himalayas has been significantly underestimated from 2000 to 2020, due to the inability of satellites to see glacier changes occurring underwater, with critic


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