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Top epidemiologist rebuts claim dynamic "zero-COVID" approach harms economic growth
A leading Chinese epidemiologist on Friday rebutted the claim that China's dynamic "zero-COVID" policy has impeded the country's economic gr


IMF official says faster U.S. rate hike could mean financial "complexities" for Asia
The U.S. Federal Reserve's action to raise interest rate faster than expected would lead to financial "complexities" for Asia economies, esp


Chinese military spokesperson vows zero tolerance for "Taiwan independence" separatist act
The Chinese military will never tolerate "Taiwan independence" separatist acts and the interference of external forces, a spokesperson has s


霍金诞辰80周年:回顾他说过的那些经典名言8 incredible Stephen Hawking quotes
今年是世界著名物理学家斯蒂芬·霍金诞辰80周年,这位把生命活成奇迹的人在世时曾说过了不少经典名言,一起来回顾一下。 [Photo/Pexels] 1. ON H


各国的小面包都长什么样?看得直流口水What Does "Bread" Look Like In Your Country?
虽然都叫“面包”,但是各国的面包实际却大不同,来看看这些国家的“面包”长什么样。 获得58好评的回答@Iqbal Bagus Alfiansyah I li


“逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。”——那些关于惜时的名句英译10 Time Quotes That Will Inspire You Deeply
孔子曾发出“逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜” 的感慨,陶渊明也曾写下“及时当勉励,岁月不待人”的诗句……关于惜时的古代名句还有哪些?如何译成英文呢?一起来看看吧! Pho


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