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新兴市场、发展中国家受到“三重打击”:IMF总裁 - Emerging markets, developing countries being hit by "triple blow&quo
国际货币基金组织(IMF)负责人周四表示,新兴市场和发展中国家正受到美元走强、借贷成本高和资本外流的冲击,这三重打击对债务水平高的国家尤为严重。“在这种环境下,我们还必须支持脆弱的新兴市场和发展中国家,”IMF总裁克里斯塔利娜·乔治耶娃(Kristalina Georgieva)在IMF和世界银行年会期间的新闻发布会上表示。不止一个q


意大利女航天员引用著名的古代汉语作文,以出色的汉语语言技能赢得社交媒体的赞誉 - Italian female astronaut quotes famous ancient Chinese comp
一名意大利宇航员贴出了一组太空照片,并附上了一幅著名的古代汉语作文中的几行文字,展示了她杰出的汉语能力,这让中国网民和语言专家感到惊讶。意大利首位太空女宇航员萨曼莎·克里斯托弗雷蒂(Samantha Cristoforetti)周三在国际空间站(International space Station)执行任务期间,在她的推特账户上发布了这些照片和中文句子。照片组中的图像可能是


与新疆有关的决定草案“打算遏制中国”:外交官 - Xinjiang-related draft decision "intends to contain China": diplo


作为“中国制造”在日本流行的中国家电标志着十年的成就 - Chinese home appliances popular in Japan as "Made in China" m


- Xi Jinping visits exhibition themed "Forging Ahead in the New Era," stresses vigorousnes


India commissions 1st indigenous aircraft carrier "Vikrant"
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday commissioned the country's first indigenous aircraft carrier "Vikrant" in the southern state o


"Concrete actions" needed to bring China-Australia relations back on right track: Chinese
Chinese Ambassador to Australia Xiao Qian said here on Wednesday that the positive progress in China-Australia relations "is an encouraging


Biden tests negative in COVID-19 "rebound" case: doctor
U.S. President Joe Biden tested negative for COVID-19 on Saturday in the process of his recovery from a "rebound" case, White House physicia


Americans living in "backsliding" democracy: Washington Post
As voting rights are "being restricted" and freedom is "under siege," Americans are living in a "backsliding" democracy, a recent opinion pi


Uganda holds "Chinese Bridge" competition for university, secondary students
Uganda on Saturday held the "Chinese Bridge" Chinese proficiency competition for university and secondary students here at the Confucius Ins


"Chinese Bridge" language competition held online in Croatia
The 21st "Chinese Bridge" language competition for foreign college students and the 15th such competition for secondary school students in C


China to build "gene bank" of ancient ceramics
China will establish a "gene bank" of ancient ceramics in east China's Jiangxi Province, based on data from nearly 20 million pieces of cera


China urges U.S. not to support "Tibetan independence"
Chinese Foreign Ministry Thursday urged the United States to take concrete actions to honor its commitment of acknowledging Tibet as part of


Ukraine needs no "surrogates" for EU candidate status: FM
Kiev doesn't support any compromise formula of granting Ukraine European Union (EU) candidate status, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kule


HKSAR's sixth-term chief executive election successful practice of "patriots administering
The Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Sunday


Japan slammed for hyping up "China threat"
Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian on Friday said Japan must not hype up the so-called "China threat" and undermine mutual tr


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