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China holds meeting to improve workplace safety
China has held a national teleconference on strengthening workplace safety to implement the instructions made by President Xi Jinping after


China holds meeting to improve workplace safety
China has held a national teleconference on strengthening workplace safety to implement the instructions made by President Xi Jinping after


6个迹象表明你的工作环境“有毒”6 signs you have a toxic workplace
一上班就感觉身体被掏空?如果你身处一个“有毒的”工作环境中,这种精疲力竭的感觉将会被加倍放大。如何判断自己的工作环境是否有毒?你需要关注以下这6个迹象。 [Ph


“安慰剂按钮”——无法控制红绿灯,却能给行人带来心理安慰A Pressing Problem: The Pros and Cons of Placebo Buttons


一个人的空间 A Place to Stand
A Place to Stand一个人的空间     Those who wish to sing always find a song. — Swedish proverb   If you have ever gone through a toll booth, you know that your relationship to the person in the booth is not the most intimate you’ll e


My Irreplaceable Treasure 1
Recently I gave a dinner party for some close friends. To add a touch of elegance to the evening, I brought out the good stuff--my white Royal Crown Derby china with the fine blue-and-gold border. When we were seated, one of the guests noti


My Irreplaceable Treasure 2
The next morning, after breakfast, I did a geography lesson and then Mother said I could go downstairs and play in the boat. I rowed once around the down-stairs, avoiding the mess of timbers in the hall where the terrible accident had occur


Relax. He is the same little boy you loved yesterday. I smiled trying to hold back the tears. "No he isn't. Yesterday I dreamed he would be an astronaut. Today I am hoping he will learn to talk." It was like some sort of cosmic joke. I cou


A wet Sunday in a country inn
A wet Sunday in a country inn! Whoever has had the luck to experience one can alone judge of my situation. The rain pattered against the casements; the bells tolled for church with a melancholy sound. I went to the windows in quest of somet


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