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印度火箭将36颗卫星送入轨道 - Indian rocket places 36 satellites into orbits
官员们表示,印度空间研究组织(ISRO)周日早些时候成功发射了36颗卫星,使用其最重的火箭LVM3。这些卫星于当地时间上午12:07从位于印度南部安得拉邦孟加拉湾沿岸的斯里哈里科塔的萨蒂什·达万航天中心发射。ISRO在一份简短声明中表示:“LVM3 M2/OneWeb India-1任务成功完成。所有36颗卫星都已进入预定轨道。”。根据ISRO,


嫦娥五号样本揭示了月球上的火山活动 - Chang'e-5 samples reveal how volcanism takes place on moon


新疆最大的风力涡轮机安装到位 - Xinjiang's largest wind turbine lifted into place


中国大陆在WIPO创新排名中上升至第11位 - Chinese mainland rises to 11th place on WIPO's innovation rankings


世界卫生组织警告不要对新冠肺炎沾沾自喜,敦促采取拯救生命的行动 - WHO warns against COVID-19 complacency, urges for life-saving acti


COVID测试中替代人手的机器 - Machines to replace human hands in COVID testing


China-ASEAN technological cooperation forum to take place in south China
The 10th Forum on China-ASEAN Technology Transfer and Collaborative Innovation will be held in Nanning, capital of south China's Guangxi Zhu


居家办公时从卧室走到书房摔倒受伤,法院:属通勤,算工伤Fall on walk from bed to desk is workplace accident, German court rules
员工在居家办公期间受伤算工伤吗?近日,德国一家法院裁定,算。 据英国《卫报》报道,德国一名男子居家办公期间,在从床走向家中办公桌的路上不小心滑倒摔伤背部。法院


HK well-placed to become world-class data center hub
Hong Kong's ongoing efforts to build data centers lays a solid foundation for the digital upgrade of its industries and development of the c


Chinese premier stresses importance of workplace safety, prevention of major accidents
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Monday urged efforts to ensure production safety and resolutely prevent serious and major accidents to protect


Machinery cotton pickers replace manual labor in China's Xinjiang
Official data suggest that machinery cotton pickers have replaced manual labor to complete 80 percent of cotton picking in harvest season in


Bullying has no place in Asia-Pacific
In his speech at the 19th Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on Sunday, State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe made China's position


Guidelines in place to support green finance
Recently released guidelines will significantly increase the degree of attention paid by China's banking and insurance sectors to the work r


Vote of confidence in UK PM Johnson to take place later on Monday
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will face a confidence vote by lawmakers in the governing Conservative Party later on Monday, the chair


Forum delegates poised to place climate change under the microscope
Climate change is a leading agenda item at this year's World Economic Forum in Davos.In the WEF's Global Risks Report 2022, "climate action


Shanghai aims to curb spread to other places
Tough measures to contain the virus and stop it traveling around countryShanghai has taken stringent measures to curb the spread of the COVI


Shelter-in-place order lifted at U.S. UC Berkeley after threat investigation
A shelter-in-place order at UC Berkeley, in the western U.S. state of California, lasting more than four hours as police investigated a "cre


China to continue to place Pakistan a priority in neighborhood diplomacy: spokesperson
China will continue prioritize its relationship with Pakistan in neighborhood diplomacy and firmly support Pakistan's goal of prosperity and


Action plan puts measures in place to ensure national food security
China released an action plan recently on expanding the planting of soybean and oil crops at State-owned farms to ensure national food secur


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