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中国将于周三晚发射天舟六号货运飞船 - China to launch Tianzhou-6 cargo craft Wednesday night


中国百度在武汉运营无人驾驶出租车夜间服务 - China's Baidu operates driverless taxi night service in Wuhan
中国科技巨头百度(Baidu)周一宣布,已扩大其在中国中部城市武汉的无人驾驶出租车服务的商业运营区域和时间。该公司的自动叫车平台Apollo Go首次在武汉推出夜间自动驾驶出租车,标志着中国自动驾驶商业运营的新阶段。目前,阿波罗Go在武汉拥有超过50辆全无人驾驶出租车,运营面积超过130平方公里。平均值


科罗拉多州夜总会大规模枪击案嫌犯被控305项刑事罪名 - Colorado nightclub mass shooting suspect charged with 305 criminal coun
据美国媒体援引当局报道,上个月在美国科罗拉多州一家夜总会发生的大规模枪击案嫌疑人周二被指控犯有305项刑事罪,包括一级谋杀罪和仇恨罪。这名嫌疑人名叫安德森·李·阿尔德里奇(Anderson Lee Aldrich),周二在埃尔帕索县地方法院出庭。这名22岁的男子双手被铐,腰间绑着一条金属链,在30分钟的听证会上,除了偶尔对


2 killed, 5 injured in overnight shooting in U.S. Virginia
Two people were killed and five others wounded early Sunday in a shooting in Norfolk in the eastern U.S. state of Virginia.Norfolk police sa


盘点:世界各地过新年的奇葩传统5 creepy New Year superstitions that'll keep you up past midnight


吃香蕉助眠,吃奶酪做怪梦……睡前饮食红黑榜What to eat before bed if you want a good night’s sleep


美丽平安夜 Silent Night--4
 (to continue ) "Mom, what do we do?" whispered Emily. "We're excited!" said Mom. "We look for the stable and find Jesus in the manger just like the angel said. Then we tell everyone about what we saw." "Listen ever


美丽平安夜 Silent Night--3
( to continue ) "Knock, knock." said Brian. "Hello, I'm Joseph and this is my wife Mary. We have been traveling all day and we are both very tired. All the other hotels are full. Do you have any room for us at your hotel?" "I


美丽平安夜 Silent Night--2
( to continue) The children quickly dressed and got in the car. Mom drove cautiously through the snow and the children wondered what she was going to show them. It was the same route they drove for their music lessons but then Mom turned do


美丽平安夜 Silent Night--1
Bradley's Silent Night Bradley was very sad. It was Christmas Eve, and Dad wasn't home like he had promised. Christmas just couldn't be the same without him. But Christmas is the time of miracles! Bradley sat by the window and stared at t


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