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《The Nightshift》英文歌词

边读边学  2018-04-30 15:120

《The Nightshift》是由英国伦敦的独立乐队(Some Velvet Morning)演唱,主音Desmond Lambert的嗓音有点介于现代和复古音色中间,清晰动感的吉他扫弦,清晰动感的吉他,充满富有迸发力的吉他扫弦声,有不少作品给人感觉拥有相当成熟的和声搭配,强烈的节拍,低音Bass的摆弄,他们在走着颂歌摇滚的路线。给自己点时间,多听几遍,有入耳的东西,也有越听越出色的东西。

《The Nightshift》英文歌词

Your working day now complete

The world outside falls asleep, a cradle to the cold.

This situation tonight, I'm here, you're there,

It's not right, to have and not to hold.

The Nighshift lay before me.

The Nightshift make me stay away.

Just know that I would love to be, with you

But I can't do right now you see.

There's nowhere I would rather be, than with you.

An invitation to spend

The evening out with my friends I regretfully decline.

The chance to lay down beside

My baby for the night I had to let slip by.

The Nighshift lay before me.

The Nightshift make me stay away.

Just know that I would love to be, with you

But I can't do right now you see.

There's nowhere I would rather be, than with you.

I look around, I can't calm down

When there's so much to be done

So understand, it's who I am

The Nightshift is what I've become.

Just know that I would love to be, with you

I can't do right now you see.

There's nowhere I would rather be, than with you.

When your down remember this

Close your eyes, make a wish cos it's my alibi.

When your lost remember this

Close your eyes and picture this,

Sleep tonight, sleep tonight.


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《Mean·卑鄙》泰勒·斯威夫特中英文歌词,泰勒扮演着在一个小村庄如日中天的艺术家却受到周围的人唾弃。正如《Mean》其名一样传达了泰勒对尖酸刻薄之人的态度。You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me你,带着你

