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中国消费将继续增长 - China's consumption to continue to rise in performance
业内专家表示,中国消费在第二和第三季度将表现更好,经济增长将更加强劲。“考虑到全球经验,消费通常需要至少两到三个季度才能从新冠疫情前恢复到正常水平。中国的情况也类似”,全球监测和消费者情报公司尼尔森IQ中国区董事总经理Nancy Song表示。“因此,消费反弹将更加明显


母亲节周末消费热潮持续 - Consumption boom continues on Mother's Day weekend


Policy support set to boost consumption - Policy support set to boost consumption
Nation will deepen reforms to increase incomes, bridge urban-rural wealth gapChina will step up its policy support to increase consumer spending and unleash the country's purchasing potential, a key force that propels the nation's economic recov


Holiday spurs consumption and recovery - Holiday spurs consumption and recovery
Businesses boost supplies; discourse shifts to domestic demand expansionChina posted a robust growth in consumption during the five-day May Day holiday that ended Wednesday as many businesses across sectors made all-out efforts to tap pent-up demand, whic


Policy support to encourage consumption - Policy support to encourage consumption
Nation expected to deepen reforms to boost incomes, bridge urban-rural wealth gapChina will step up its policy support to increase consumer spending and unleash the country's purchasing potential, a key force that propels the nation's economic r


China pledges moves to prop up consumption recovery - China pledges moves to prop up consumption rec
China is planning to take more actions to invigorate consumption recovery, an official with the country's top economic planner said Wednesday.China's consumer market got off to a good start in the first quarter of the year (Q1), laying a solid f


Consumption showing some signs of resurgence - Consumption showing some signs of resurgence
Consumer demand continued to pick up steam as China ramped up efforts to boost buying sentiment, which experts said will help boost market confidence and promote the overall improvement of profitability.Consumer demand saw a steady recovery as consumer go


Expert pins growth hopes on real estate, consumption - Expert pins growth hopes on real estate, cons
Real estate recovery is a key factor to China's economic rebound this year and should be closely monitored while growth driven by foreign trade, particularly exports, is likely to dim, economists said.Yao Yang, dean of the National School of Developm


住房消费将成为主要经济驱动因素 - Housing consumption to be key economic driver


中国消费加速复苏,2023年开局良好 - China's consumption recovers at accelerated pace, a good start for 2023


服务消耗恢复加快 - Service consumption recovery gathers speed


2023年中国消费复苏势头强劲:惠誉 - China's consumption recovery off to a strong start in 2023: Fitch
惠誉评级(Fitch Ratings)的一份报告显示,2023年初,中国消费部门出现强劲复苏,高端和中高端非必需服务部门表现出色。受新冠肺炎疫情严重打击的中国线下消费服务部门,包括旅游、电影和餐饮业,在春节假期期间需求强劲反弹,报告称,国内旅游人次恢复到2019年水平的90%左右,而旅游支出则下降了


消费券促进春节消费 - Consumption vouchers boost Spring Festival spending


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