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Chinese microblogging service Sina Weibo has announced it had 340 million monthly active users as of the end of March, overtaking US-based Twitter in active user totals, reports Sina Technology. 新浪科技报道,新浪微博在3月底已有月活跃用户3


我不懂写作 Write Right
When I was fifteen, I announced to my English class that I was going to write and illustrate my own books. Half the students sneered, the rest nearly fell out of their chairs laughing. "Don't be silly, only geniuses can become writers," the


与父共舞 A Dance with Dad
I am dancing with my father at my parents’ fiftieth wedding anniversary. The band is playing an old-fashioned waltz as we move gracefully across the floor. His hand on my waist is as guiding as it always was, and he hums the tune to himsel


感恩的力量 The Power of Gratitude
The Power of Gratitude感恩的力量         When my older son was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, my first reaction was relief - I finally knew the reason for his behavior. However, I was also overwhelmed with


外媒:数学烂?你是传说中的math disability
In a typical classroom, you’ll find children who are exceptionally good at math while some struggle. Some kids seem to be particularly poor at math, though, showing difficulty even when routinely adding or subtracting even after extensive


The Solitary Reaper 孤独的割麦女
BEHOLD her, single in the field,Yon solitary Highland Lass!Reaping and singing by herself,Stop here, or gently pass!Alone she cuts and binds the grain, And sings a melancholy strain;O listen! for the Vale profoundIs overflowing with the so


Dance with my father 和爸爸跳舞
Back when I was a child, before life removed all the innocence,My father would lift me high and dance with my mother and me and thenSpin me around ´til I fell asleep.Then up the stairs he would carry meAnd I knew for sure I was loved.If I


Eat Better To Keep Fit 吃出健康,吃出美丽
导读:春天来了,夏天也不远了,衣柜里的衣服还穿的下吗?商店橱窗里的美丽不想尝试?男孩子们还拥有去年夏日矫健的身姿吗?赶快开始调整饮食吧,抛弃冬日的臃肿,吃出健康,吃出美丽,成为别人眼中的亮丽风景吧!Lose weight, eat less junk food -- they to


A Little Piece of Me 生命的过客
When he told me he was leaving I felt like a vase which has just smashed. There were pieces of me all over the tidy, tan tiles. He kept talking, telling me why he was leaving, explaining it was for the best, I could do better, it was his fa


A wonderful little girl 天使女儿救妈妈
There came a frantic knock at the doctor's office door,A knock, more urgent than he had ever heard before,"Come in, Come in," the impatient doctor said,"Come in, Come in, before you wake the dead."In walked a frightened little gir


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