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“现在的年轻人,还有不计生死的血性吗?” 弹幕里这个字刷屏了!
近日,共青团中央、全国青联共同颁授第25届“中国青年五四奖章”,表彰青年中的优秀典型和模范代表。其中,新时代卫国戍边英雄群体获第25届“中国青年五四奖章集体”。Border defense heroes were awarded the May Fourth Medals by the Central Committee of


Just separated with Blue, Blue is a very nice girl, beautiful and gentle. Many friends said that I was a fool to let her go. Even though it was hard, I still had to let her go. The 1st day Using her blanket and covering herself tightly, she


Inseparable, in Life or DeathTranslator: Ruth Hung; Ted Barham; Guang-Yu Li From Oxford UniversityInseparable, in life or death.Wherever your dreams have rested,Believe that life can last.The sky has lost its beauty,But you expect to stand


The end of my sophomore year was approaching. Mom called me at the dorm one muggy(闷热的) evening during the last week of May. My summer break would be spent with grandma and grandpa, helping out around their farm. The arrangement made go
