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英国国王查理三世承诺终身为英国新君主服务 - King Charles III pledges 'lifelong service' as Britain's new m
英国国王查理三世(King Charles III)在其母亲伊丽莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)周四去世后即位后,于周五首次向国家和英联邦发表讲话,承诺“终身服务”。“在她的一生中,女王陛下(……)是一个灵感,”他在电视讲话中说。他说:“伊丽莎白女王过着幸福的生活,她遵守了命运的承诺,她在去世时受到了最深切的哀悼。我今天向你们重申终身服务的承诺。”


中国2022年全球服务贸易发展排名第9 - China ranks 9th in service trade development in 2022 globally: report


上网也会污染环境? 流媒体服务对环境产生有害影响
Streaming Services and the Environment上网也会污染环境?!流媒体服务和环境A new study suggests that streaming services can lead to higher levels of greenhous


美国硬币短缺 许多投币出售服务的商家面临困境
US Faces Coin Shortage美国面临硬币短缺The United States is facing a coin shortage, yet another side effect of the coronavirus health crisis.美国正面临硬


A young woman from Moscow, Russia, has come up with an innovative way to supplement her income – charging single men a hefty fee for laying in their bed for an hour to warm it and fill it with her positive energy, thus guaranteeing a good


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