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Google’s latest project may be the most widely accessible and comprehensive fashion collection on the planet. All you need to view it is an internet connection.谷歌的最新项目可能是世界上可使用的最广泛、最综合的时尚资源库了。网络连接就是你


China plans to build an integrated national big data center, an official said on Wednesday. 中国计划建造一座国家级综合大数据中心。 The center aims to promote better sharing of public data for wider application, especially for data in sect


充实的生活 就是简简单单
I love to have simple ways to improve my life. Everyday is a chance for improving our life, and it's up to us to best use it. What I want is to have good, balanced progress everyday. To ensure balance, my favorite way is using the four fac


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