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52个字母组成的单词当选年度词 你们认真的?!
Bundespraesidentenstichwahlwiederholungsverschiebung. It has a ring to it, doesn’t it? Try it out for yourself: Bundespraesidentenstichwahlwiederholungsverschiebung. To an English speaker, it may seem like a meaningless, even endless assor


韦氏词典2016年度词汇 不可思议的1年用它定义
Peter Sokolowski, editor-at-large for Merriam Webster, believes people are drawn to the dictionary for intellectual comfort—that cathartic moment when you find a definition that perfectly articulates something you have been wanting to expr


There were a lot of surprises to come out of 2016, but "xenophobia" being named Dictionary.com's Word of the Year is not one of them.  2016年意外连连,但“仇外情绪”被评为Dictionary.com年度词汇却在预料之中。 When you consider the rhetori


2016’s word of the year was “Fuuuuuuuuuuck.”2016年的年度热词是“Fuuuuuuuuuuck”(我勒个擦/妈了个鸡/卧槽……自行翻译吧……)。In the past, Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year directly corresponded to the major events of that year.过去,韦


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