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巴西足球队飞机坠毁:71人遇难 5人生还
Reports say there are six survivors. The plane reported electrical problems.据报道称有六名幸存者生还。客机曾报告发生电气问题。注:截止发稿,幸存者人数更正为5人。遇难人数更正为71人。The chartered aircraft, flying from Bolivia, was carrying m


The Brazilian Senate voted on Wednesday to strip Dilma Rousseff of the presidency by 61 votes in favor to 20 votes again


国外囧事: 西红柿涨价威胁巴西总统连任
  President Dilma Rousseff may be among the world’s most popular presidents but her re-election next year is being jeopardised by a formidable opponent: the humble tomato.  巴西总统迪尔玛罗塞夫(Dilma


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