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世卫组织:2021年不可能实现群体免疫COVID herd immunity will not happen in 2021, says WHO
日前,世界卫生组织首席科学家苏米娅·斯瓦米纳坦在新冠肺炎例行发布会上表示,尽管全球多国已经开始大规模疫苗接种,2021年仍无法实现任何程度的群体免疫。 Prof


Ling, a computer-generated social media star, will perform on the show Bravo Youngsters. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILYWhen you take a closer look at the photos of the 36 contestants for CCTV 3’s talent show Bravo Youngsters, you may find somethi


冬天来了 天气是否会影响新冠病毒的传播
Does Weather Affect the Coronavirus Outside?天气是否会影响新冠病毒在户外传播?Does weather affect the spread of the coronavirus outside a building, in the o


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