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英语时事  2022-03-18 10:320



Premier Li Keqiang met the press on Friday morning after the closing of the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress.




3月11日,国务院总理李克强在北京人民大会堂出席记者会并回答中外记者提问。新华社记者 李鑫 摄





“An increase of around 5.5 percent on the basis of over 110-trillion-yuan  GDP in China today would generate the amount of output equivalent to the size of a medium economy. It is a hard problem for such a big economy to maintain medium-high growth,” Li said.





Li Keqiang said that utmost efforts should be made to support Russia and Ukraine in overcoming difficulties to carry forward ceasefire negotiations, and China supports and encourages all efforts that are conducive to a peaceful settlement of the crisis in Ukraine. Calling the current situation in Ukraine "disconcerting," Li said the pressing task now is to prevent tension from escalating or even getting out of control. 





China will give priority to small and micro enterprises in its tax rebates to help them navigate difficulties, Premier Li Keqiang said. Li highlights 2.5 trillion yuan in tax cuts and refunds. Small and micro firms are of a large amount and cover a wide range of sectors, helping create a great number of job opportunities. The country's goal is to refund all value-added tax (VAT) credits to these firms by the end of June.





As the HKSAR government has postponed the election for chief executive due to a recent COVID-19 outbreak, Li said the central government fully understands and supports the decision. The government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) should assume the primary responsibility in fighting COVID-19 and the central government will give its full support.





The premier called for supportive measures for new job seekers such as providing more training programs, adopting a market-based approach in enhancing employment, and facilitating the development of new technologies and business modes.





Fifty years ago, the two countries broke the ice and started a journey of normalizing bilateral relations. Despite ups and downs, China-U.S. relations have been moving forward over the past half century, said the premier. Now that the door has been opened, it shouldn't be shut again, nor should there be decoupling, said the premier. "Cooperation should be the mainstream because global peace and development hinge on cooperation," Li said, adding that even if there is market competition between the two countries in economy and trade, it should be healthy and fair.





Li Keqiang pledged timely support for contact-based service firms, in particular small ones that have suffered the most amid the COVID-19 epidemic, in an effort to stabilize employment and economy.The government has rolled out multiple supportive policies, including tax refunds of 180 billion yuan for sectors from catering to transport and tourism.





Li said compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are members of one big family and that this fraternal bond can never be severed. The mainland will continue to share development opportunities with Taiwan compatriots and provide those coming to work and live on the mainland equal treatment, he said. "We will also take concrete measures and help them solve difficulties," he added. "When the people on both sides of the Straits come together and forge ahead in unity, we will be able to promote the peaceful growth of cross-Straits relations and share the benefits of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation," Li said.





When asked how to improve livelihoods, Li mentioned a recent incident involving the gross violation of one woman's rights and interests, saying that "it was indeed deeply distressing and we are indignant". He highlighted the importance of protecting the public's rights and interests, adding that "safety and better lives are closely interconnected, so it's the mission for governments at all levels to do everything we can to protect people's lives and safety". Those who disregard people's pain and suffering must be held accountable, and those involved with the trafficking of women must be brought to justice.





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Once again, he was the comedian-in-chief. 今年的2015白宫记者会晚宴上,奥巴马再次化身首席谐星。Describing his presidency

