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双语新闻  2022-02-28 12:000


“Miracles do exist only if you believe in them,” Yi Yangqianxi said when he recommended his latest film Nice View.

According to Maoyan company, it had earned over 1 billion yuan as of Feb 16. It is centered on how Jing Hao, played by Yi, raised large sums of money to pay for his young sister’s surgery.

For Jing, 20, he needed a miracle to start his own business in face of the many difficulties he encountered. “Remember that nothing is impossible as long as you try your best,” Yi quoted his lines from the film in an interview with Cover News.

For Yi, 21, his path to becoming an A-list celebrity could also be seen as a miracle. He doesn’t have a family background in the show biz industry. Before moving to Beijing with his mother, Yi and his family lived in Shenzhen. When he was a child, Yi took many interest-oriented classes like street dance, calligraphy and accordion. “I was either taking these classes, or on the way to the classes,” Yi said in a vlog.

Yi then lived in the suburbs of Beijing. He spent almost four hours a day going to these training institutions and back. To save time, Yi had meals and did homework on the bus.

This childhood experience shaped his personality. He became more mature than his peers. This also gave him the personal qualities of dedication and perseverance in his acting career.

“He stayed at the shooting site almost every day,” Gong Jinguo, an actor of Nice View, told Yangcheng Evening News. “He took part in over 270 of the movie’s 290 scenes.”

Like Jing finally receiving a miracle, Yi grew up from a nobody to a somebody. He has become the first movie actor born in the 2000s with blockbusters he has starred in earning an overall box office of over 10 billion yuan, Maoyan reported in February.


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