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英语时事  2021-05-13 22:000






Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian recently posted a tweet on the iconic Japanese painting The Great Wave off Kanagawa, which has been adapted by Chinese illustrators as a satirical symbol on social media after Japan's nuclear wastewater dumping decision. Zhao said: "If Katsushika Hokusai, the original creator of a famous Japanese painting The Great Wave off Kanagawa, were still alive today, he would also be very concerned about Japan nuclear-contaminated water."




One of the great Japanese Ukiyo-e works, The Great Wave off Kanagawa, seen as a symbol of brave human beings who are able to face difficulties and forge ahead tenaciously, is now being turned into a satirical symbol on Chinese social media.


赵立坚转发的这幅《神奈氚冲浪里》,是网名为@一个热爱学习的男孩 的设计美学博主作品。4月20日,博主在微博上公布了自己画作,随后备受关注。氚是核废水中主要的放射性元素,“神奈氚”与“神奈川”,一字之差概括了作者想要表达的莫大讽刺。


The Great Wave off Kanagawa Tritium, has garnered the most recognition.





In this illustration, the white spray at the crest of the waves was recreated as deformed human fingers, twisted babies and mutated marine creatures struggling in the sea. Japanese bureaucrats in ties are bowing and apologizing for their wrong decision, while workers wearing protective clothing and gas masks pour buckets of nuclear wastewater into the sea.










The illustrator, who preferred not to be identified, told the Global Times that he feels terrible about Japan's decision, adding that the illustration is his own way of protesting it.




Japanese diplomats Toshimitsu Motegi said he would not usually comment on the words of a spokesperson, but Japan has expressed strong opposition through diplomatic channels and urged Zhao to delete his tweet.








日本记者提问:“对于你发表的关于日本核废水的推特,日本外长茂木敏充称日方已向中方严正抗议并要求删除你的推特。你对此有何评论,会不会删除? ”







The recreation, to my knowledge, is by a young Chinese illustrator. It shows that the original by Mr. Katsushika Hokusai is quite well-known in China and the Chinese people understand much about the Japanese culture. 



The recreated picture reflects public concern and outcry in China over the unilateral Japanese decision to dispose of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water by releasing it into the sea. As a matter of fact, China was not alone. Many governments, international organizations, over 300 environmental groups and people in various countries including Japan have raised strong objection and grave concern. 



As we've repeatedly stated, the contaminated water is highly hazardous as it contains a lot of harmful substances. The US journal Science, a German marine scientific research institute and scholars from Russia, the ROK and many other countries all believe that the wastewater, even after meticulous treatment, would still contain high levels of radioactive isotopes. Carbon-14, for example, has a 5,730 year half-life. From the day of discharge, the contaminated water would affect all Pacific-rim countries for decades and the radioactive materials would harm the global marine environment for several thousand years. 



It is extremely irresponsible of Japan to opt for sea discharge to cut expenses. It made the wrong decision first and we only protested afterwards. How come it is brazen enough to do the wrong thing, but won't stand others' criticism? The world has long been protesting its decision, but Japanese officials just keep playing dumb. Why, then, are they so miffed by a mere illustration? They should listen to protesters all over the world. The Japanese side should realize its responsibility, fulfill its international obligations, and revoke its wrong decision.



You asked whether I will delete the post and apologize. Well, as you may have noticed, I've pinned it on top. The illustration reflects legitimate public opinion and a call for justice. It is the Japanese government that needs to revoke its wrong decision and apologize. 

目前,赵立坚已将该推文置顶,而此前置顶的推文为@乌合麒麟 所作控诉澳军滥杀阿富汗平民的讽刺漫画。



综合来源:中国日报,Global Times,观察者网,外交部网站



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