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双语新闻  2021-04-13 10:290

Young Chinese people show great national pride. CHINA DAILY

Celebrating Western holidays, following K-pop bands and going abroad to study ... Many young people are thought to be not as patriotic as their parents or grandparents.

But data has shown that young Chinese people have demonstrated a growing sense of national pride and patriotism in recent years.

According to the website of the Communist Youth League of China, a central association representing young people, the organization has more than 15.7 million followers on Sina Weibo. Each post related to topics such as national unity, patriotism and the country’s development has received thousands of comments and “likes”.

On March 5, the league wrote a post celebrating the 123rd anniversary of the birth of China’s first premier, Zhou Enlai, with thousands of young internet users leaving comments expressing how lucky and happy they felt to be living in the country.

One user, “Xu Baobao”, posted: “We’ll contribute our young energy to national rejuvenation.” Another wrote, “May we use our youth to protect China.”

Young people not only expressed their patriotism in words, but also through action.

In 2019, when riots related to an extradition bill broke out in Hong Kong, an online community known as Di Bar, comprising young Chinese living around the world, launched a campaign to explain the issue to a global audience and to voice support for the city’s police on digital platforms.

A statement released by Di Bar said the community’s campaign was driven by “patriotism, rationality and truth-seeking”, and reflected its confidence and faith in the country.

Laurence Zhang, 25, a Chinese mainland graduate from Hong Kong Baptist University who joined the campaign, said the experience gave him a greater understanding of the country’s developing power. He added that he felt grateful to live during such times.

Chinese youths’ patriotism may actually be stronger than ever, and with good reason. Guo Yuanyuan, associate dean of the School of Culture and Communication at Capital University of Economics and Business, said, “The great material improvement can give young people more room for spiritual life.

“Our older generations experienced a very difficult time, and before reform and opening-up, the economy was far behind those in the West. Now, with China rising to become the second-largest economy in the world, making us roughly on par with the West in many respects, young people’s patriotic sentiment has naturally risen.”


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