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边读边学  2019-07-09 22:110

Actors Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali take us on a road trip through the troubled past. ALIBABA PICTURES AND DREAMWORKS ANIMATION

US writer Margaret Lee Runbeck once wrote, “Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling.” But traveling is not always happy, at least for the buddies in the movie Green Book. The popular film won Best Picture at the 91st Academy Awards on Feb 25.

“It is a warm and heartfelt look at a remarkable friendship, brought to the screen at a moment where its story of love, compassion, and shared humanity deeply resonates ,” NBR President Annie Schulhof said in a statement.

The movie was adapted from the true story of a road trip through the southern US in the early 1960s. In the film, the black pianist Don Shirley hires Italian-American Tony Vallelonga to drive him to performances, but they face problems because of Shirley’s skin color. These problems lead them to form a special friendship.

“There’s something so deeply right about this movie, so true to the time,” wrote US film critic Mick LaSalle at the San Francisco Chronicle.

The time LaSalle is talking about was between late 1870s and 1960s, a very different period in US history. Many parts of the country had Jim Crow laws, which allowed racial segregation.

These laws made life and travel dangerous for African-Americans. They couldn’t use certain hotels, restaurants, or even gas stations. They had to be indoors after sunset or they might go to jail. Even black celebrities had to follow the laws.

But in 1936, a black mail carrier named Victor H. Green had an idea. He made a list of friendly businesses in New York City. He published the list as a small book with a green cover. The Green Book helped African-Americans travel more safely. Then, in 1964, Jim Crow laws went away. The book went away, too.

Today many US people still remember the time of Jim Crow. But they probably don’t know about The Green Book. It’s a forgotten part of the story. Thanks to this movie, maybe people can remember it again.


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