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英语时事  2018-04-07 08:270

Yuan Haibo, a deputy to the 13th National People’s Congress, takes part in a panel discussion on March 6. GUANGMING Daily

Raised in an affluent and rising China, members of China’s post-90s generation are often stereotyped as lazy and selfish.

However, as more and more of them begin to take the political stage, they defy this generalization.

Five years ago, among the deputies to the 12th National People’s Congress (NPC), there were only two who were born in the 1990s.

But this year, more than 10 of the deputies to the 13th NPC come from the post-90s generation. They are from different sectors of society, and include an athlete, a village cadre, and an entrepreneur.

Being young, they’re seen as less experienced than the older generation. “I have been asked many times by reporters about my plans as a representative from the post-90s generation. But does age really matter?” asked Cui Jiuxiu, 26, who comes from Shandong province and is a community officer in Kashgar in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

Growing up after China carried out its opening-up policy, those from the post-90s generation have benefited from a better education than previous generations and can adapt to new things quickly.

Indeed, Cui is very popular among Xinjiang deputies because she can speak the Uygur language fluently, something even many Xinjiang officials can’t do, despite working in the region much longer than Cui.

“Most of the residents from my community are Uygurs. They love to teach me the Uygur language and I love to see them laugh when I make mistakes,” Cui said. “I want them to know that I want to be a part of their community and they can talk to me about anything.”

Deputies from the post-90s generation also have their own ways of finding out what people think about certain issues and what they really need.

During an interview on March 5, Yang Changqin, a deputy from Guizhou province, voiced her idea about how to lift minority groups out of poverty.

“People in rural ethnic minority regions should combine local resources with traditional culture to get rid of poverty,” Yang said. “It is more meaningful than just receiving funds from the government.”

More importantly, they’re willing to help people. Yuan Haibo, who comes from the city of Qujing in Yunnan province, now serves as a department manager for a company in the city of Cixi in Zhejiang. But he still hopes to find a job in his hometown as soon as possible so he can contribute his own experience to the development of his hometown.

As Cui said, being young should be seen as an advantage rather than a disadvantage. Without a doubt, wisdom doesn’t only come with age, and this generation of young people is already on the path toward guiding China to even greater things.


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