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双语新闻  2017-07-05 13:540

With individual landmarks and attractions, every city looks different. But when it comes to noises, they all seem to sound the same – roadworks, car horns, and people shouting. If you only have the noise to go off, New York might easily be mistaken for Nanjing.
每座城市都有着自己的地标和景点,看起来各不相同。但在噪音方面,所有的城市听上去似乎都是一样的 —— 道路施工、汽车轰鸣、人声嘈杂。如果只听声音,或许很容易将纽约和南京弄混。

But in the eyes of US composer TodMachover, who’s also a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, every city has its own unique sound. He even started a project to turn everyday noises into classic music and has composed symphonies for several cities around the world, including Detroit in the US, Edinburgh in Scotland, Toronto in Canada, and Perth in Australia.

“Can we listen to this place in a more sophisticated way?’’ is a question that Machover constantly asked himself. This question is also what drove him to collect noises that reflect the characters of each city in the first place.

Detroit, for example, is famously known as the “Motor City” for being the world’s traditional auto manufacturing center. So some of the noises that Machover was targeting were different car engines. But the fact that the city’s auto industry has been declining and has given way to the live music business also makes musical elements ideal for Detroit’s “audio portrait”.

“This is a place where the past, present and future are all mixed up,” Mochover told the Model D Media. “There are audio artifacts everywhere, rhythms that are alive. Nowhere I’ve been is really like Detroit.”
“过去、现在和未来都融合于此,”麦克弗在接受Model D Media 采访时表示。“这里遍地都是声音的手工艺品、鲜活的韵律。我从未像喜爱底特律一样喜欢某个地方。”

It’s a different story for Miami though. Sitting on the beach, Miami is a mixture of the noise of human activity and the natural sound of the ocean and seabirds. The city is also called the country’s “Capital of Latin America” since it has a large population of immigrants from Cuba, Venezuela and Colombia. Spanish has actually become a dominant language in the city instead of English.

“You hear the same words inflected with all kinds of different accents,” Machover told CityLab website.

But to characterize cities with their unique sounds is only a part of the project’s concept. What Machover wanted to do is to write a symphony not “for” the city, but “with” the city. So he didn’t only collect sounds by himself but also encouraged local people to submit their recordings.

During the process of making the symphony for Detroit in 2015, Machover received over 15,000 sound samples contributed by the city’s natives. These included local poets’ voices, factory noise and drumming from street artists. Machover then used software to mix the sounds with instruments played by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO).

“The headlines that you hear are their daily lives,” Caen Thomason-Redus from the DSO told US News. “That all tells a very specific message, a firsthand message that would have been secondhand in any other way.”
“你所听见的主要旋律都是他们的日常生活,”底特律交响乐团的Caen Thomason-Redus 在接受《美国新闻和世界报导》时表示。“那些音乐都传递了非常具体的信息,而其他任何的方式都会令这个第一手信息变为第二手信息。”


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