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美文阅读  2017-06-27 16:240

“Integrated Retail” appears to be the new mantra for e-commerce companies, as the offline and online channels are being merged to offer a better customer experience. Amazon appears to be working in a similar direction, and after acquiring Whole Foods to expand in the grocery segment, the company introduced a new perk for its Prime members called Prime Wardrobe, with a goal to expand in the fashion retail segment. This feature allows Amazon’s Prime members to order clothes to try, and buy if they like them. The company is offering free shipping both ways and a seven day trial period at no additional subscription cost. This appears to be an attempt of the e-commerce giant to solve the complexities of buying clothes online, as many customers prefer to try them on before making a decision.
随着线下、线上渠道合并为客户提供了更好的体验,“整合式零售”似乎成为电商公司的新准则。亚马逊好像就在朝着相似的方向努力,在收购了美国有机超市(Whole Foods),拓展了其食品杂货业务之后,该公司为其黄金会员(Prime member)提供了一项被称为“黄金会员衣橱”(Prime Wardrobe)的新特权,目的在于拓展其时装零售业务。该特权使亚马逊的黄金会员可以订购衣服进行试穿,喜欢的话就可以买下来。该公司提供了免费的双向配送服务以及七天的试用期,而且不需要缴纳额外的会员费。这一举措似乎是该电商巨头为解决线上服装销售的错综复杂而进行的一种尝试,因为许多客户在做决定之前更愿意试穿一下。

Amazon is the largest seller of clothes online in the U.S. and is likely to achieve a market share of nearly 20% in the U.S. apparel market by 2020. With the introduction of Prime Wardrobe, the company can accelerate this growth and capture a larger market share. Further this can also lure more customers to buy clothes conveniently online instead of trying them out in crowded changing rooms.

Another benefit of the introduction of the Prime Wardrobe is for Amazon to increase its loyal base of Prime members. Prime members are key sales drivers for Amazon, and by offering them interesting perks the company is able to retain and grow its large member base. As customers get hooked to the Amazon ecosystem and use its platform for all their digital needs, these initiatives work as catalysts for its entire business. Prime members are likely to drive revenues for all its retail products, and Prime Wardrobe provides another reason for them to stay on the Amazon platform.



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