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英语时事  2017-06-06 18:030

For fans who went to see US singer Ariana Grande’s solo concert in Manchester, England, on May 22, the night should have been one of the most exciting of their lives. But instead, it became one of the most tragic.

A deadly bomb attack struck the stadium where Grande was performing. As of June 1, at least 22 people were killed and at least 116 people were injured in the bombing, according to the BBC. The victims were mainly young people, with the youngest just 8 years old.

It happened when the attacker, Salman Abedi, 22, born in the UK, died after setting off a homemade bomb in the lobby of Manchester Arena. Grande had just finished her performance and fans were making their way home.

It was the worst terror attack in the UK since 56 people were killed in the London bombings on July 7, 2005. The Islamic State terrorist group claimed responsibility for the Manchester attack.

After the attack, UK Prime Minister Theresa May raised the country’s threat level from “severe” to “critical”. She said a “wider group of individuals” are believed to have been involved in the bombing, rather than just Abedi alone. May later sent members of the armed forces to guard several key sites across the UK.

The terrible attack came at an important time in UK history. A general election is set for June 8, and the largest issue has been how Britain will deal with its departure from the EU in 2019. All eyes are on the UK to see what kind of nation it will become.

“The sheer brutality of the Manchester attack will impact very considerably our views of ourselves and our country,” Charlie Falconer, former UK Justice Secretary told Time. “The political effect will be very, very profound.”

Despite the devastating consequences brought by the attack, Britons have shown a spirit of love and resilience. On the night of the attack, taxi drivers – many of them Muslim – offered free lifts to people affected by the incident. Many hotels allowed people caught up in the attacks to stay for free.
尽管这场恐怖袭击带来了毁灭性的后果,英国人仍然展现出了一种爱与坚韧的精神。在袭击发生当晚,出租车司机们 —— 当中有许多穆斯林 —— 免费搭载受此次事件影响的人们。许多酒店也为遭遇袭击的人提供免费落脚点。

“Manchester is resilient. We have a great deal of love and respect in this city and no one wants to harbor hate and anger over this tragedy,” EkahiSoeur, a volunteer who arranged for stickers reading “I LOVE MCR [Manchester]” to be given out to members of the public after the attack, told TEENS.

“We will never be oppressed or divided, so our message is about coming together in adversity, looking after each other and hoping we can all spread love and joy right out there into the world,” Soeur added.


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