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英语时事  2017-05-10 15:330

There are often many assumptions made about young people aged 15 to 21, but only a few can be proved with hard evidence. Now, new research has been published to help people get a better idea of these misunderstood young people.

According to an international survey in 2016, young people in emerging (新兴的) economies like China and India have a greater sense of hope about the future, compared with those living in Europe, North America and Australia.

The survey was carried out between September and October by the Varkey Foundation, a UK-based non-profit organization. It surveyed 20,000 young people who were born between 1995 to 2001 in 20 countries. They were asked questions about their hopes, ambitions, personal views and community values.

It was found that 53 percent of those questioned in China thought the world was becoming a better place – the highest percentage among the countries surveyed. Some 93 percent of them also felt hopeful for the future because of advances in technology, such as in medicine, renewable energy and computing.
该调查发现,中国有53的受访者认为世界在变得越来越好 —— 这也是所有被调查国家中比例最高的。其中,93的人也对未来充满希望,因为医学、可再生能源以及计算机技术都在不断进步。

Indian youth were the second most optimistic, with 49 percent taking a positive view of the world’s prospects (前景).

In contrast, young people in France, Italy and Turkey had the most negative outlook on the future, with fears about extremism and the rise of global terrorism.

“At a time of nationalist (民族主义的) and populist (民粹主义的) movements [such as Brexit or US President Donald Trump’s plans to build a wall along the US border] that focus on the differences between people, the evidence shows that young people share a strikingly (显著地) similar view of the world,” Vikas Pota, chief executive of the Varkey Foundation, told The Guardian.
“在强调人们差异的民族主义和民粹主义运动时期(如英国脱欧以及美国总统唐纳德·特朗普在美国边境修建隔离墙的计划), 证据表明,这些年轻人对于世界的观点十分相似,” 瓦尔基基金会的首席执行官维卡斯·波塔在接受《卫报》采访时表示。

“They are a generation that is deeply pessimistic about the future of the world,” he added.

As for young people in China, what they fear most is the impact of climate change – some 82 percent of those who responded to the survey said so.
对于中国的年轻人而言,他们最担心的是气候变化所带来的冲击 —— 有82的年轻人在接受调查时如此表示。

Pota said it was encouraging that young people in China were aware how serious the problem of climate change is.

“This is surely a hopeful development. The young population of China is more aware than anyone of the seriousness of the climate crisis – and will be pressing for change,” he told South China Morning Post.
“这的确是个充满希望的发展趋势。中国年轻人比任何人都更加意识到了气候危机之严峻 —— 并迫切要求做出改变,”他在接受《南华早报》采访时表示。

The overall survey showed a sense of optimism in the attitudes and opinions of the generation that is likely to shape the next few decades, according to Pota.

“They are more likely to travel, to migrate across borders and to forge (建立) friendships in other countries than any previous generation,” he said. “Global citizenship is not dead. It could just be getting started.”


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