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英语时事  2016-12-26 13:240
Parents of pupils at Greasley Beauvale primary school, in Newthorpe, Notts, are marked from A to D based on their involvement with their children's education. 
Greasley Beauvale小学位于英国诺丁汉郡的纽索普,该小学根据家长对孩子教育的参与情况,将他们划分为A到D四个等级。
The system is intended to improve the children's performance at school by encouraging their mothers and fathers to attend events, such as parents' evenings and plays, and help with learning at home.
It has been in place since 2011 and has become public knowledge thanks to an Ofsted report earlier this month which commended the school for its "startling" results. 
"For many children at this school, it is making a huge difference," wrote Sir Michael Wilshaw, head of Ofsted, assessing Nottinghamshire schools in his final annual report. 
He said that children of parents in groups A and B make significantly better progress than those whose parents are in groups C and D, but that the system ensures less-engaged parents are productively supported by the school. 
"Telling a parent what the impact their lack of engagement is having on the life chances of their child is not easy," wrote Sir Michael. "But for many children at this school, it is making a huge difference." 
Not all parents are enamoured of being graded. "They'll have us all wearing dunce's hats next," said a mother-of-one, who did not wish to be named. "It's absolutely ludicrous." 
She said that "it's one thing when your child gets a bad grade, but now they openly embarrass their parents too."


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学生们犯了错,老师管不管、罚不罚?怎么罚?如今,引发家长与校方争执、备受困扰的相关问题,终于有了刚性准绳。 据新华社报道,日前,教育部在前期广泛调研、公开征求意见基础上,制定颁布《中小学教育惩戒规则(试行)》(以下简称《规则》)。 《规则》


Primary school students in Nanjing city will be able to enjoy free after-school care starting with the upcoming spring semester, reports Modern Express. 《现代快报》报道,春季学期开学之后,南京市的小学生将享受免费的课后看护。 Parents who

