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Pokemon Go游戏火爆全球

边读边学  2016-07-19 11:590

The zombie *apocalypse is happening in the real world: Millions of people have been transformed into mindless, *stumbling bots by one particularly popular mobile app, says the Boston Herald.

The app, entitled Pokemon GO, is an *augmented reality game that launched two weeks ago in the US, Australia and New Zealand. If you’re familiar with the Pokemon franchise, you know its premise. Users inhabit the role of trainers, tasked with capturing fictional animals called Pokemon and training them to fight. The new app allows players to wander through neighborhoods and other public places, trying to discover geo-located Pokemon characters. They show up, as if in the real world, on players’ smartphone screens, set against the player’s real-world surroundings.
这款名为Pokemon GO的手机应用,于两周前在美国、澳大利亚以及新西兰上线。熟悉口袋妖怪系列的玩家一定明白这款游戏的设定。玩家在游戏中扮演训练师,捕捉虚拟生物口袋妖怪并训练它们进行对战。这款新应用需要玩家在社区及其他公共场所探索发现这些基于地理定位的口袋妖怪。它们仿佛真实存在在现实世界一样,会出现在玩家的智能手机屏幕上,与玩家们所处的现实世界形成鲜明对比。

There’s an element of *nostalgia that’s driving the Pokemon GO craze. Since its release, the app has become the top download on the Google Play store, above Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram, reported the Los Angeles Times.
Pokemon Go热潮的背后是一种怀旧情愫。据《洛杉矶时报》报道,自上线以来,它在谷歌应用商店的下载量已经高居榜首,远超Facebook (脸书)、Snapchat和Instagram等应用。

And it’s causing real-life *mayhem too. In Washington state, US, police posted a warning on social media after players had been found “creeping... in the dark, popping out of bushes,” to capture Pokemon characters. The Darwin Police Station in Australia also discovered people trying to find Pokemon characters outside their building.

For many young people, it is more than just a game. Its interactive features give it social value, as a way to meet fellow fans. Mason Morehead, a 23-year-old Indiana University student, told The Herald-Times that after he released some of his Pokemon characters as a “lure” at his campus, “nearly 50 players show up to talk, *strategize, and, of course, catch ’em all.”

And as he continued playing the game, Morehead noted another bonus: Fitness.

“Normally, I’m in my room playing any number of video games,” he said. “Since this came out, I’ve spent every single day walking around, charging my phone and walking some more. It’s so healthy compared to what I was doing before.”

For Jacob Hines, a US restaurant manager, the app’s attractiveness lies in the positive message it conveys.

He grew up watching Pokemon, the TV show. “It’s a *utopian society where everyone just pushes each other to become better,” he told The Herald-Times. Now, he’s seeing that happen in real time.

“I interacted with several different social groups that I probably wouldn’t have talked to if I hadn’t had my game out,” he said. “It’s just really cool to see everyone interacting so naturally.”


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