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边读边学  2016-07-14 07:590

China has set the country’s GDP growth target between 6.5 and 7 percent for 2016, according to the Government Work Report delivered by Premier Li Keqiang at the annual session of the National People’s Congress (CPC) on March 5.

This is the first time in two decades that the Chinese government has adopted a range rather than a specific number for its growth target, reported Xinhua News Agency.

Karishma Vaswani, a BBC Asia business correspondent, deems the range a nod to last year’s economic progress, which was the slowest in a quarter of a century. The growth target for 2015 was “around 7 percent”, but China’s economic expansion ultimately registered at just 6.9 percent.

However, Xinhua points out that there are other reasons for setting a flexible growth target. It sends a strong signal that China is not obsessed with a high GDP growth target. Instead, the government is “making room for structural reform to realize long-term growth”.
不过新华社指出,设定灵活的增长目标还有其他原因。它释放出中国不再迷信高GDP增长的信号。 相反,政府正在“为实现长期增长而进行结构性改革做准备”。

The Chinese economy has enjoyed rapid development over the past three decades. But no country can sustain such fast growth forever, especially when China is faced with problems like empty houses and unemployment.

A flexible GDP target encourages local governments to steer the economy onto a more sustainable path. The aim is to foster a more dynamic evaluation system that prioritizes environmental standards.

The range of 6.5 to 7 percent will still keep China on track to reach its long-term economic goals. According to the National Development and Reform Commission, the floor of 6.5 percent is the minimum growth rate needed to double the country’s GDP and per capita income from 2010 levels by 2020. The goal was set in 2012 during the 18th CPC National Congress.

“The upper guide, at 7 percent, is slightly higher than the 6.9-percent growth rate achieved in 2015, and can boost confidence if successfully met,” said Xinhua.


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