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双语新闻  2016-07-14 07:580

Students are told since their first day in school that the higher the grades they get, the better the university they can enroll in later on. But test scores are not the sole factor determining college admission.

On May 4, the Ministry of Education announced a new set of measures, including the redistribution of cross-provincial college admission quotas, to rectify the long-standing imbalance in education.

It encourages universities and colleges in more developed provinces to take a larger number of students from less developed regions.

The announcement created a heated public discussion. Parents in developed regions fear that the directive will put their children at a disadvantage.

The ministry last week responded to these concerns, saying fewer students from developed regions are taking the entrance exams these days, so their chances for being accepted into colleges and universities will remain the same.

And according to Chu Zhaohui, a research fellow at the China National Institute of Education Science, redistribution is hardly a new concept. Since the college entrance exam mechanism was reinstated in 1977, the government has been redistributing admission quotas in accordance with the student numbers in various regions.

The plan only caught so much attention this year because “this is the first time for the Ministry of Education to announce the redistribution plan,” Chu told the China Business Journal.

Commentator Wang Shichuan also pointed out that the concept of college admission quotas exists in other countries too. In the US for example, there was an education equality movement in the 1960s that encouraged colleges to use race as a factor in determining admission. That movement triggered a lot of debate over whether it was a form of “reverse discrimination”, Wang wrote in an opinion piece for People’s Daily.

While it is reasonable for the government to institute affirmative action to restore education equality, comprehensive measures are needed, commented Global Times.

“Moving the finishing line is not a long-term solution. Students need to be given the same start. The ultimate purpose of real educational reform should be giving students the same access to quality education, instead of tampering with the standards of college enrollment.”


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