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边读边学  2016-07-14 07:580

A few years ago, a Finnish app took the mobile gaming world by storm. Its set-up was simple and its premise absurd: Angry Birds was little more than a shooting game, with birds instead of bullets and green pigs in place of targets.

It led the way for a slew of other equally silly, equally addictive games to invade cell phones everywhere. Shortly after Angry Birds took off, audiences found a new distraction in Fruit Ninja, a game where the object was to chop falling produce. Then there was Candy Crush, where players could save a candy kingdom by matching like-colored bonbons.

Never mind that these games made absolutely no sense from a narrative standpoint. That was their charm, after all: They were knowingly absurd, a foray into mindless amusement. In games like Angry Birds, players found an escape from reality. All they had to do is resign themselves to the logic of the game, a world of simple cause-and-effect: Slingshot a bird, kill a pig, score points.

Fast forward to 2016, and there’s now an Angry Birds movie, here to fill you in on all the details you never wished to know. The birds have been given personalities, motives and back-stories, and so have the villainous green pigs.

The movie comes full of puns and bathroom humor – exactly the kind of raucous good time you’d expect from Hollywood animation. But while the film preserves the quirky tone of the original game, one has to wonder if some of the whimsy gets lost in translation. A film needs a plot, so the game’s nonsense had to be made sense of. Logic replaced absurdity.

Angry Birds is not alone in having its gray areas sketched in for the big screen. Hollywood has made an industry of answering the questions no one ever thought to ask; to the point of even giving a brand of toy blocks its own story in 2014’s The Lego Movie. Countless secondary characters have also been plucked from the sidelines and given their own franchises. That includes the forgetful blue fish Dory from 2003’s Finding Nemo, whose spin-off premieres this summer.

In its efforts to feed the audience’s curiosity, Hollywood may in fact be stifling it. Viewers no longer have the luxury of imagining back-stories for their favorite characters, or debating the open-ended questions in a film’s source materials: An endless flow of prequels, sequels and spin-offs fill in those blanks for them.

When children today play Angry Birds, they won’t wonder why the birds are so grumpy. They’ll know. Everything will be determined for them: According to the movie, the main bird Red gets picked on for his bushy eyebrows, and that leaves him feeling isolated and, well, angry.

In some ways, Hollywood has taken on the role of fan fiction writers, by expanding and exploring every corner of its fictional universes. But when these universes expand too widely, what will be left to imagine?


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