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边读边学  2016-07-14 07:580

This is turning into the season of superheroes battling other superheroes, but X-Men: Apocalypse is the first one to do it right.

One of the best of the X-Men films, the new entry is full of finely crafted action, all of it in the service of interesting and well-thought-out ideas. Resting on neither formula nor audience goodwill, the X-Men series is going deeper and getting better as it goes along.

For a little pre-credits sequence, director Bryan Singer re-creates ancient Egypt. The idea at work here is that the Egyptian rulers were actually the first mutants, and that the top ruler–known as Apocalypse–had the ultimate power. By inhabiting the bodies of a series of mutants, he has maintained his youth and acquired multiple abilities.

Singer illustrates the passage of time from ancient days through the late 20th century by catapulting the viewer through a twisting corridor, in which we see glimpses of the crucifixion, Renaissance art, the rise of Nazism and the emergence of the Cold War. Finally, viewers arrive in the promising era of the 1980s.

Every action movie needs a villain, but not just any old villain with a vague desire to take over the world. A villain needs a rationale to explain why he thinks he’s right. He also needs some personal magnetism, so that we can understand why others might follow him. Through the script and through Oscar Isaac’s performance, we get that in Apocalypse.

Apocalypse has the idea that the strong should dominate the weak. To his eyes, that means mutants have a natural right to rule humans. But when he arrives in the 1980s, he sees the weak are dominating the strong–to him, the ultimate perversity. So he has only one logical recourse: to figure out a way to destroy absolutely everything and start all over.

As in Captain America: Civil War (2016), viewers soon have two teams of individuals, each with what could be called super powers, fighting each other. But Civil War gave people a weak situation in which no one was wrong, little was at stake and the consequences were mild. X-Men: Apocalypse, by contrast, goes for broke. Civilization is at stake, and both sides are trying to kill each other.

In most superhero movies, trying to kill each other would mean scenes of characters throwing each other around. But X-Men: Apocalypse is smarter than that, with the most important battles taking place inside the minds of Apocalypse and Charles Xavier, also known as Professor X.

Xavier’s mental capacity to communicate with everyone on the planet seems almost like a metaphor for the internet here. To succeed, tyrants need that final piece, to achieve complete control over communications.

The movie’s focus is mainly fixed on Professor X and his rival Magneto (Michael Fassbender) and the evolution of their worldviews. Their stories echo and reverberate. They are the best argument for X-Men: Apocalypse as a thinking person’s action movie.
影片主要聚焦 “X教授”和其对手“万磁王”(迈克尔•法斯宾德饰)以及两人世界观的发展改变。两人的故事也相互呼应并影响。这两个角色很好地证明了《X战警:天启》是一部有思想的动作片。


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