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Draft notification targets food waste, security - Draft notification targets food waste, security
Solicitation has been finalized on a draft notification ordering restaurants to clearly mark the prices and amounts of dishes as a new step to prevent food waste and safeguard national food security.The draft, consisting of eight parts, was disclosed by t


Japanese public gathers to oppose contaminated wastewater discharge plan - Japanese public gathers t
Japanese residents on Thursday held a rally in Tokyo to protest against the Japanese government's plan to discharge nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, two years after the decision was announced.Ignoring opposition both at home and abroad, the J


新技术使废物设施的臭气得到控制 - New technology keeps waste facilities odor under control


将废气转化为动力的方法 - Method turns waste gases into power


PIF敦促日本推迟福岛核污染废水的排放 - PIF urges Japan to delay discharge of Fukushima nuclear-contaminated wastewate
太平洋岛屿论坛(PIF)周三敦促日本推迟将福岛第一核电站(Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant)受损的废水排入太平洋,PIF秘书长亨利·普纳(Henry Puna)支持独立全球专家的呼吁,这些专家表示,他们对迄今提供的证据是独立和可验证的并不满意


西藏将建设三个无垃圾城市 - Tibet to build three waste-free cities


上海启动三期湿垃圾回收项目建设 - Shanghai kicks off construction of phase III wet waste recycling project


Highly toxic, radioactive waste moved from Japan's Fukushima to Hokkaido amid protests
The chemical waste, that is extremely high in carcinogens and stored near Japan's disaster-hit Fukushima nuclear power plant, was transporte


Graphene can efficiently extract gold from electronic waste: study
A study conducted by Chinese researchers and their British counterparts has recently found that reduced graphene oxide can extract gold from


Facility construction begins for Japan's Fukushima nuclear wastewater release amid opposition
The construction of facilities to release radioactive wastewater into the sea from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in nor


U.S. wasted over 82 million COVID vaccine doses: report
The United States discarded 82.1 million COVID-19 vaccine doses from December 2020 through mid-May this year, just over 11 percent of the do


Wastewater data show COVID-19 may rise again in U.S.: report
Although COVID-19 cases have fallen from a pandemic-high reported in January 2022, there is some evidence that the virus may be on the rise


TURKEY AND HAM Sydney chef Travis Harvey advises carving all turkey and ham from the bone after Christmas to ensure it stays fresh. As long as they are carved shortly after cooking, slices of turkey and ham can be stored in the freezer in
